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Benefits of Nitrous Oxide Treatments 

What Are the Benefits of Nitrous Oxide Treatments?

Did you know that many people are suffering from dental anxiety? Dental anxiety is a condition in which you feel scared or overcome by stress before you visit your dentist. Luckily, there are multiple treatments that help those with dental anxiety, including sedation dentistry, and meditation. If you’re looking for a mild sedative, there are many benefits of nitrous oxide.

What is Nitrous Oxide?

Nitrous oxide is highly effective for individuals seeking a mild relaxant during dental treatment. Even if you are only undergoing an examination or a professional dental cleaning, nitrous oxide may be administered. Many people know this as “laughing gas”. Laughing gas is considered the only sedative in dentistry safe enough to be used to allow a patient to drive home after treatment, explains Dr. Beth Herko, our friend and owner of a sedation dentistry in New Providence, NJ.

How Do Dentists Administer Nitrous Oxide? 

Inhaled gas treatment is given by putting a mask over the mouth and nose that is breathed in. Even if you suffer from extreme stress, the mildest forms of laughter can have a calming effect. However, laughing gas can be a mild relaxant, and it can produce a feeling of lightness.
If you would like to schedule a nitrous oxide sedation in Lexington KY, Park Hills Family Dentistry is the perfect place for you. Dr. Jinyoung Kim has worked with many patients that suffer from dental anxiety and does everything she can to make your dental visits comfortable. Contact us today!