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Everything About Lumineers 

Must-Knows About Lumineers

Lumineers are similar to porcelain veneers in the sense that they fix imperfections. Many patients choose lumineers to hide their chipped, misaligned, discolored, or gapped teeth. This type of cosmetic dentistry is non-invasive, and it’s also reversible. In this article, Dr. Kim shares must-knows about lumineers, from what they are, their advantages to the right candidate.

About Lumineers in Lexington, KY

Lumineers are an excellent option for someone who is self-conscious about their smile. These ultra-thin porcelain caps fit perfectly over your teeth, giving them an aesthetically pleasing, clean, and beautiful appearance. These thin, shell-like covers are put over your teeth to conceal cosmetic flaws such as stains, chips, or holes. To build the illusion of a flawless smile, each one is individually bonded to the front of the teeth. Lumineers can help with a number of dental issues, including:

  • Large gaps between your teeth
  • Misaligned Teeth
  • Crooked Teeth
  • Stained Teeth
  • Gums and teeth that are uneven
  • Bridges and crowns that seem unnatural

Lumineer Consultation

When you visit Dr. Kimthe best dentist in Lexington, KY, and her team will access your smile to see if you are ready for lumineers. In order for patients to get lumineers, the underlying teeth, bone, and gums must be in excellent condition. Ask Dr. Kim if you’re a good candidate. If not, we have other solutions that can enhance your smile.  

Bite impressions and X-rays are taken during the initial visit to assess how the teeth are aligned. Your teeth will also be carefully inspected to ensure that there are no signs of tooth decay or gum disease. Dr. Kim will decide on the color of the lumineers as well as the desired degree of transparency. Our friend, Dr. Beth Herko, one of the best cosmetic dentists in New Providence, points out that patients can choose which shade they want. Lumineers have the potential to drastically change your smile!

A Look at New and Improved Smiles

You can now see what your new smile would look like before you get them at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry! Our advanced dental technology allows you to see what your lumineers will look like. It’s easy, free, and only needs a photo of your smile. After our team takes your picture, we will get your lumineers ready for placement!

Lumineer Placement

When it’s time for your lumineers placement, our team will start by bonding the lumineers to your natural teeth. Dr. Kim will polish your lumineers after they are bonded so that they look and feel natural. The final separation is the last step in the placement process. We will make sure that your bite is perfect. When the procedure is completed, you will have a new, bright smile of your dreams.

Benefits of Lumineers

Lumineers have several benefits over conventional veneer treatments. The most significant benefit for patients who have a fear of the dentist is that this treatment is non-invasive. You won’t feel a thing!

Lumineers have the following distinct advantages:

  • They have a lifespan of more than 20 years.
  • No need for harsh drilling.
  • There is no need for needles.
  • There was no pain or discomfort during care.
  • Completed in two dental visits.
  • Potential for a whole new smile.
  • Stain and discoloration resistant.
  • Materials with the thickness of a contact lens.
  • The treatment is completely reversible.

Now that you’ve read the must-knows about lumineers, you can decide if they’re for you. If lumineers are something that you’re interested in, contact Park Hills Dentistry for a consultation! Our team will discuss what your new smile could look like. We’re happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.