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TMJ Awareness Month 

TMJ Awareness Month 2021

Your jaw is essential for chewing, speaking, and singing. Many individuals take this small part of their body for granted – until it begins to hurt. It is probable that you have TMJ dysfunction if you experience continuous discomfort in your jaw (sometimes referred to as TMD). Because November is TMJ Awareness Month, our Lexington KY dentist would like to take this time to talk about what TMD is, how to detect it, and how your dentist may be able to help you find relief with TMJ treatment in Lexington KY.

What Exactly Is TMD?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) links your lower jaw to the rest of your skull. TMD refers to any of a range of problems that impact how the TMJ operates and how it feels. TMD can be caused by a variety of reasons such as trauma, stress, misaligned teeth, poor posture, or persistent bruxism (teeth grinding).

The following are some indications that you may have TMD:

  • Jaw aches.
  • When you open your mouth, you may hear a clicking or popping sound.
  • Frequently occurring headaches & neck aches.
  • Difficulty widening the mouth.
  • Issues with hearing, such as ringing in the ears.
  • Chewing Difficulties

TMJ Therapy by a Professional

Dr. Kim, the best dentist in Lexington KY, have spent a significant amount of time and effort researching the complexities of how the TMJ operates. As a result, they are well-equipped to diagnose and treat TMD.

Your dentist in Lexington KY will recommend a therapy depending on your individual scenario after examining your jaw, analyzing how it moves, and taking X-rays. In certain circumstances, using an oral device to maintain the jaw in a favorable posture is the most effective strategy to combat TMD. In some cases, occlusal correction is required. An occlusal adjustment simply means that the dentist gradually changes the teeth to create a more equal bite and so relieve unneeded tension on the jaw. Surgery is only used in very rare cases to combat TMD and give long-term relief.

At-Home Treatments

In addition to professional therapy, your dentist may advise you to make certain changes to your everyday routine in order to manage your discomfort. We got with our friends at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, Colorado Springs dentist, to come up with at-home treatments. Here are some examples of at-home remedies:

  • Attempting to improve your posture
  • Avoiding chewing gum and other sticky or chewy foods.
  • Massage of the face to relax overworked face muscles, alternate wet heat and cold.
  • Using over-the-counter analgesics
  • Managing life pressures by doing more of what you like, taking some time off work, or employing other stress-relieving approaches.

How does your jaw feel?

Visit your dentist in November for a TMJ exam before subjecting it to all the sticky, sweet delicacies of year-end celebrations. We’re always available to help our patients feel their best. Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry today to learn more.