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Gum Disease Awareness Month 

In celebration of Gum Disease Awareness Month in February – a global public awareness campaign aimed at avoiding gum conditions – our dentist in Lexington KY wants to spread the word about this pernicious disease. This is because if left untreated, it might damage your smile. Fortunately, you can assist in preventing this from happening!

Gum disease is caused by the relentless assaults of bacteria found in tooth plaque. Plaque is the sticky, white coating on your teeth that you may feel before brushing them. Brushing and flossing every day is necessary to eliminate this bacterial film, which otherwise targets tooth enamel and gum tissue to break them down. Plaque that isn’t removed every day develops into tartar, which must be cleaned with specific instruments at your teeth cleaning Lexington KY

Factors Contributing to Gum Disease

As you may have guessed, poor oral hygiene is the primary cause of gum disease. Additional variables, however, can hasten the progression of this condition, including:

  • Stress
  • A high sugar diet
  • Chronic cigarette usage
  • Alcohol intake regularly
  • Misaligned teeth (prevents you from cleaning your teeth effectively)
  • Hormone fluctuations
  • Cancer and diabetes
  • Breathing via the mouth, which dries up oral tissues

Gum Disease Symptoms

How can you know if you have gum disease, mainly because the early stages are generally painless? Our Best Dentist Lexington KY says to keep an eye out for the following symptoms:

  • Gums that bleed when you brush and floss
  • Gums that are red, sensitive, or swollen
  • Chronic poor breath or a sour taste in the mouth
  • Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Gum tissue tearing away from teeth
  • Loose-feeling teeth
  • Altered bite pattern
  • Loose-fitting partial dentures
  • Pus around teeth and gums
  • Chewing discomfort

Our friend Dr. Green, Parker CO Dentist, explains that all of them are indications that you are suffering from gum disease.

Gum Disease Has Three Stages


You may notice gum inflammation, swelling, redness, and bleeding during this stage, especially during brushing and flossing. The good news is that because the gum disease hasn’t reached the supporting bone and connective tissue, it can be reversed at this point.

Periodontitis (Gum Disease)

This intermediate stage kills supporting bone and connective tissue permanently. As a result, you may see pockets developing beneath the gum line. Gum pockets cause plaque to accumulate beneath the gum line, necessitating interventive periodontal therapy such as scaling and root planing in conjunction with a more rigorous daily oral hygiene program.

Severe Periodontitis

If no periodontal intervention is performed at stage two, you will most likely be at this terminal stage of the illness. This point will have damaged the connective tissue and bone substance. It causes your teeth to loosen and shift out of position, affecting your bite, speech, and chewing skills. Without periodontal care, the teeth will most likely need to be removed.

Be Proactive in Gum Disease Prevention!

Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to keep gum disease from destroying your smile!

  • Maintain a consistent daily oral hygiene practice that includes brushing and flossing at least twice a day.
  • Maintain all biannual dental appointments and cleanings.
  • Drink water after eating (particularly snacks) to rinse away food particles and mouth detritus.
  • Limit your intake of bacteria-feeding sweets, and when you do indulge, chew sugarless gum to enhance saliva flow, which helps rinse away bacteria.
  • If you still smoke, there is no better time than now to quit. Your gums will appreciate it!

We hope that promoting awareness about this condition in honor of Gum Disease Awareness Month motivates you to be more proactive in safeguarding your dental health. After all, a vivid, attractive smile requires healthy teeth and gums!