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Tooth Abscess Lexington KY  

What Are Tooth Abscesses?

Bacteria exist in all of our bodies. Some bacteria are required and beneficial, while others can produce dangerous infections that result in sickness. For example, cavity-causing bacteria in our mouths can develop illnesses in our bodies if left untreated.

What Causes Abscesses?

Bacteria from our meals can become caught in our teeth and gums, resulting in an infected tooth and, in severe circumstances, an abscess.

A tooth abscess can cause throbbing pain near a tooth or your gums, pain that worsens when you lie down, swollen gums, tooth sensitivity, a foul taste in your mouth, and fever. When an abscess ruptures, you will feel much better nearly immediately. However, you may also get a terrible taste due to the leaking pus.

Untreated dental decay, periodontal disease, or a break in a tooth can all lead to an abscess. An abscess is a pus-filled pocket in the gum line, root, or surrounding tooth bone. Dentists in Lexington KY treat abscesses by draining them so that they do not spread into the circulation. This is referred to as “bacteremia.” A healthy person’s immune system will most likely destroy the unknown germs. However, germs in the blood may not be eradicated in older persons or people with poor health.

Bacteria in the blood can travel throughout the body, spreading illness and causing catastrophic consequences. For example, it can apply to the lungs, producing pneumonia, or to the brain, causing meningitis.

Abscess Varieties

Don’t be alarmed if you believe you have an abscess in your mouth or if your Lexington KY dentist discovers one during your next visit. The three most prevalent forms of oral abscesses and how they are treated are listed here.

Gingival or Gum Abscess

The term “gingival” refers to an abscess located in the mouth’s gum tissue. In this scenario, your dentist will need to extract or drain the infection. If the disease has spread, a root canal or tooth extraction may be required.

Periodontal Abscess

Periodontal disease occurs when the gums and bone, or “periodontal tissues,” that support our teeth become infected. Individuals with untreated, periodontal disease are more likely to develop periodontal abscesses. Your dentist near you will perform some tests to decide which course of treatment is best for you. It might entail a thorough cleaning to remove any plaque that has been lodged behind the gum line.

Periapical Abscess

Periapical illness occurs due to your body’s response to harmful germs. When this happens, the tissue pulls away from the site of the infection. It makes room for our body’s defensive mechanism to battle right alongside the illness. A periapical abscess arises when an infection spreads and produces a collection of pus at the root of a tooth. A periapical abscess is frequently drained, and medications are prescribed to help remove the infection.

Is It Possible For A Tooth Abscess To Be Fatal?

While it is uncommon to die due to complications from a tooth abscess, it does happen according to our friends over at Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry dentist in Murray UT. Every year, there are incidences of tooth infections that result in death. If left untreated, a tooth abscess infection can spread throughout the body. The infection has the potential to infiltrate your bloodstream or bones and spread to crucial organs. For example, an abscessed tooth can lead to sepsis, pneumonia, and Ludwig’s angina, a tongue infection that causes swelling and trouble breathing.

Even if the abscess has ruptured, all abscesses should be treated by a dentist. A dentist will check and clean the area to ensure that the infection does not spread.

Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry 

A healthy smile is a beautiful asset in everyday life, but it needs adequate care, including preventing infections and gum disease. At Park Hills Family Dentistry, we want to help you stay healthy and happy, and we believe that regular dental check-ups are the first step. We take precautions to safeguard your health and your pocketbook by recognizing and avoiding any problems. Call us now to schedule a check-up and cleaning or for any of your other dental needs. We are currently open and adhere to all CDC requirements to securely assist you with your dental needs.