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Is It Worth Replacing Old Silver Fillings?  

Should You Replace Your Old Silver Fillings?

Have you been considering replacing your old silver fillings? If you have, then you are not alone. Today, many people are getting rid of their old silver fillings and switching to tooth-colored composite fillings. The reason is – silver fillings are not only unsightly, but they also contain mercury, which can pose a potential health hazard. But before you rush to your dentist’s office and replace your silver fillings, here’s what you need to know.

Mercury Content

Silver fillings consist mainly of a mixture of metals, consisting of about 50% mercury, along with silver, tin, and copper. Though the amount of mercury is small, the potential risk is still there. Mercury is a toxic element that, if swallowed or breathed in, can cause serious damage to your health. Therefore, if you have a lot of silver fillings in your mouth, it is better to stay on the safe side and consider replacing them.

Tooth Decay

Another good reason to replace your silver fillings is to keep your teeth healthy. When you have a silver filling, it is difficult to detect any deterioration or decay with the naked eye. Over time, the filling may leak or crack, allowing decay and bacteria to get underneath. This can lead to further decay which may require a more extensive and expensive restorative procedure, such as a root canal treatment, crown, or even tooth extraction. Hence, if your silver filling is several years elder, it’s wise to schedule an appointment with your dentist to evaluate the conditions of your filling and the tooth.


The appearance of silver fillings is another concern for many patients. Let’s face it, silver fillings don’t look natural, nor are they aesthetically pleasing. No wonder many people opt for composite fillings as a replacement alternative. Tooth-colored fillings blend in smoothly with your natural tooth color, making them virtually undetectable. So, if you want to improve the cosmetic appearance of your teeth, replacing old silver fillings with composite fillings is the way to go.


Many people believe that silver fillings are more durable than composite fillings. This is untrue. Composite resins have come a long way in recent years, and they are now considered to be more durable than ever. Composite fillings bond to the tooth structure, making them more stable and resistant to breakage or leakage. In fact, composite fillings can last for 10 to 15 years with proper care and maintenance, just like silver fillings. However, with composite fillings, you will not have to worry about any future complications that may arise from mercury content.

Contact us today

As you can see, there are some valid reasons to consider replacing your old silver fillings. All you need to do is weigh the pros and cons with your dentist and determine what’s best for your oral health, cosmetic appearance, and overall well-being. Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry today to schedule an appointment. Our team of experienced dentists will be able to help you explore all of your filling options and help you make the best decision for your unique needs.