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Dental Care As You Age 

Dental Care as you age

As you age, your dental care needs will evolve. It is important to establish a relationship with a trusted dentist in Lexington, KY who can meet all of your changing needs. At Park Hills Family Dentistry, we strive to be that type of dentist for all of our patients by offering comprehensive services and preventive care tailored to each person’s individual oral health objectives. With years of experience helping people maintain healthy teeth and gums even as they age, you can trust us to have the knowledge and resources necessary for optimal results.

The importance of regular dental check-ups as you get older

As we get older, it’s important to be proactive about our dental health. Regular dental checkups are essential for ensuring that any potential issues are discovered and addressed quickly. Professional cleaning sessions every six months help to remove plaque and tartar buildup, as well as identify signs of trouble such as cavities, periodontal disease, gum disease, and tooth decay. It is also beneficial for seniors to speak with their dentists about fluoride treatments which can reduce the risk of cavities and may even help repair the early stages of tooth decay. Overall, regular dental checkups are an important part of maintaining good oral hygiene throughout life and should not be overlooked as we age.

How to keep your teeth healthy and strong

Taking care of your teeth is an important way to maintain good overall health. To keep your teeth healthy and strong, it is recommended to brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss your teeth at least once a day, reduce sugary foods and drinks and visit your dentist regularly for preventive care. Brushing will remove food particles and plaque while flossing will help clean in between each tooth. Limiting sweet treats helps reduce the chances of cavities forming because excess sugar can promote decay. Routine checkups with your dentist will help ensure early detection of any dental problems so that they can be treated promptly. Proper oral hygiene is key to maintaining strong and healthy teeth for lasting oral health and well being.

Common dental conditions associated with aging

As we age, it’s important to be mindful of the common dental conditions that can afflict seniors. Tooth wear and decay, gum recession, and oral cancers are some of the issues that adults over 65 years old may be more susceptible to due to weakened immune systems and other factors. Additionally, some medications that are commonly prescribed for elderly patients can lead to dry mouth and increase the risk of cavities and oral infections. For these reasons, brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and flossing once a day are recommendations for improving oral health as we age. Seeing your dentist regularly is very important too; they will be able to identify potential risks early, along with detecting many oral diseases at an early stage that could become serious if left untreated.

The benefits of professional oral hygiene products

Professional oral hygiene products go a long way in promoting healthy teeth and gums. These products are designed to help remove plaque and food particles, promote saliva production and reduce bacteria buildup. In particular, professional fluoride mouth rinses not only help prevent the formation of cavities, but also help reduce pain if cavities have already formed. Professional whitening treatments can also provide dramatic whitening results far exceeding those available with at-home whitening kits. Finally, professional in-office cleanings can rid your mouth of even the toughest stains, helping you restore your natural smile for years to come. Investing in professional oral hygiene products is a worthwhile investment that pays off with good overall oral health.

Tips for preventive dentistry care as you age

As you age, it is more important than ever to keep up with your preventive dental care in order to maintain healthy gums and teeth. This includes scheduling regular checkups with your dentist and maintaining proper hygiene at home. Brush twice daily using fluoride toothpaste and make sure to floss at least one time each day. It is also important to minimize sugary or acidic foods which can lead to erosion of tooth enamel or bacterial growth in the mouth. Additionally, quitting smoking can greatly improve overall oral health due to an increase of oxygen intake, as well as decreasing both plaque build-up and gum disease. Staying on top of preventive dentistry care and implementing these tips can help you maintain a healthy smile for many years.

How to manage cost-effective care for dental health

Taking good care of your dental health doesn’t have to be an expensive affair. There are numerous cost-effective strategies to make sure your teeth remain healthy and strong. Regular check-ups at the dentist, brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and limiting sugary foods and drinks will help maintain a healthy mouth. Additionally, patients should consider talking to their dentists about discount plans for their long-term dental needs. Resources like online coupons may also be helpful, as well as negotiating payment plans with a provider or using regular deductibles through insurance programs. Following these tips and investing just a little effort into researching available resources could make all the difference in maintaining good oral health without breaking the bank.

Contact Us Today!

Overall, dentists recommend regular visits at least every 6 months to ensure optimal dental health in our golden years. Taking the time to properly care for our teeth, gums and mouth as we age can go a long way towards maintaining a strong set of teeth for years to come. While there are some unavoidable conditions associated with aging and our dental health, the use of professional oral hygiene products combined with preventive dentistry practices can help us to manage these issues in a cost-effective way. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our team who’s happy to help. With the aid of an experienced dentist and good oral hygiene habits, taking the necessary steps now can help ensure we have healthy smiles well into our senior years.