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Gum Disease Must-Knows 

Gum Disease Must-Knows

In honor of Gum Disease Awareness Month, Dr. Kim is sharing gum disease must-knows! If you’re not familiar with gum disease, it’s one of the most common dental problems in the world. In fact, more than 40% of adults in the U.S. have gum disease. Most dentists in Lexington, KY would rather you prevent gum disease than treat it. Here are few answers to the questions often asked about gum disease. 

What’s Gum Disease?

Gum disease is also referred to as periodontal disease, which is a very common dental condition. Those who develop gum disease have a good amount of plaque build-up. Plaque may be extracted by shaving, flossing, and mouthwash regularly and thoroughly. Even with great oral habits, it is still necessary to get a good dental cleaning every six months from your Lexington, KY dentist.

What Causes Gum Disease?

Gingivitis or gum disease is usually caused by bad habits:

  • Poor oral health habits
  • Uses of tobacco products such as chewing tobacco or smoking
  • Medications: Our friend, Dr. Kacos, a dentist in Shreveport, LA, says that gingivitis is a side effect of some steroids, anti-epilepsy products, calcium channel blocks, birth control, and cancer drugs.
  • Genetics: many individuals are naturally more vulnerable to gum disease.

Signs of Gum Disease

Although there are several stages of gum disease, the symptoms are pretty straight forward. First, you’ll notice that your gums start to bleed when you brush or floss. As the gum disease progresses, your gums will start to recede and bleed after doing everyday tasks like chewing. They will become swollen and red. If gum disease is left untreated, your teeth will eventually fall out. It’s important to stop gum disease as soon as possible.

How to Prevent Gum Disease

The three effective ways to avoid gum disease are by cleaning your teeth, flossing regularly, and seeing your dentist in Lexington, KY for a professional dental cleaning twice a year. Many normal citizens would not know whether they develop gum disease. That’s why it’s necessary to see Dr. Kim. There is a widespread belief that if you wash and floss daily, there is no risk of having dental problems. Since certain causes of gum disease are not specifically related to oral health, preventative dentistry is necessary. If you live in Lexington, KY, give our dental office a call to set up an appointment! Our team is happy to help you and your family with any dental concerns.