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Root Canal Must-Knows 

Root Canal Must-Knows

When your dentist in Lexington, KY, recommends a root canal, it’s to save your tooth. Root canal therapy is designed to remove the bacteria on the root of your tooth. After visiting Park Hills Family Dentistry for a consultation, Dr. Kim will remove the contaminated pulp and thoroughly clean the inside of your tooth to stop the infection. We will seal your tooth with a dental crown, and it’ll be as good as new! If you’re planning on undergoing root canal therapy any time soon, read the article below, where Dr. Kim shares all of the root canal must-knows

Safe & Effective Root Canal Therapy

First things first, is root canal therapy safe? Of course! We wouldn’t recommend anything that could harm our patients. Patients often come to us in pain because of their tooth infections. Root canals are designed to eliminate the infection and restore your smile to its original glory. Finding the best dentist in Lexington, KY, to perform your root canal is key. Dr. Helgerson, a dentist in Grand Junction, CO, adds that root canals are the last chance to save your permanent tooth, so it’s important that it’s done correctly.

Does a Root Canal Hurt?

In contrast to common opinion, root canals cause no pain or discomfort. You will undergo general anesthesia during your treatment, just as you would for a tooth extraction. Dr. Alexa Johnson, an emergency dentist in Colorado Springs says it’s normal to feel some discomfort after your treatment, but it’ll go away once it’s healed properly. In no time, you’ll have full functionality of your teeth! 

Do I Need a Root Canal?

Your dentist or endodontic at Park Hills Family Dentistry will diagnose access your smile and recommend proper treatment. If a root canal is needed, we will get you on the schedule and likely prescribe you antibiotics to stop the tooth infection from spreading. Some patients who will likely need a root canal are experiencing the following: 

  • Cracked tooth 
  • Severe tooth decay
  • Tooth sensitivity to cold and hot
  • Severe pain when biting or chewing
  • Tooth abscess
  • Darkness or swelling around the infected tooth

The Best Root Canal Service in Lexington, KY

Park Hills Family Dentistry provides the best dental services in Lexington, KY. Amongst root canal therapy, we also provide patients a wide variety of restorative dentistry solutions: 

Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry today for a consultation. Our team is excited to help you and your family live with a happier and healthier smile.