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Types of Dental Restorations 

Types of Dental Restorations 

Dental restorations have become increasingly popular. The most simple concept of a restoration is the return of something in its lost state. Dental work is no exception. In some cases, your dentist in Lexington, KY, may recommend that you restore your tooth’s original function. In this article, Dr. Jinyoung Kim discusses the types of dental restorations that you may get at our dental office.

Most Popular Dental Restorations 

There are several different types of dental restorations, ranging from material to price. Filling a cavity caused by tooth decay, for example, is a quick dental restoration technique. Placing dental implants in areas where teeth are missing can be a more complicated and pricy restoration. The good news is that as technology advances, dental restorations have stronger, more practical outcomes that will change your life for the long term. Here, we discuss the types of dental restorations patients in Lexington, KY, can choose from.

Dental Implants

If there ever comes a time where you are without a tooth, Dr. Kim will likely recommend dental implants. Implants are false teeth that work and look just like natural teeth. They are anchored down into the jaw bone and topped off with a dental crown. They are an excellent alternative to dentures and are a permanent solution to missing teeth. However, dental implants aren’t for everyone. You must have a good bone structure to support the dental implant. Ask Dr. Kim if you’re a good candidate for dental implants. 

Inlays & Onlays

Inlays are a great alternative to silver and composite fillings. A custom-made filling made of composite material, gold, or tooth-colored porcelain is known as an inlay repair. Broken or fractured teeth, decayed teeth, or fractured fillings are all reasons you may need an inlay repair. Onlay dental restorations are suitable for teeth that have wide, deep cavities. An onlay can also be referred to as a partial crown. They are made up of custom-made fillings and are designed to restore teeth in a more conservative manner.

White Fillings

Composite fillings are similar to traditional fillings in that they are engineered to withstand stress and resistance and to last. In reality, many composite fillings have a lifespan of more than ten years. Composite fillings are often tooth-colored, making them the more aesthetically pleasing choice.

Dental Crowns

Crowns are used to cover a tooth or a dental implant. They are typically used when a tooth has extensive decay and cannot be restored with a traditional dental filling. Crowns are usually cemented to the tooth and are designed to look just like natural teeth. Our friend, Dr. Josh Eastham, a dentist in Grand Junction, CO, says that dental crowns are on the more popular side of dental restorations to choose from. They’re affordable and effective.


Dentures may be used as an alternative to dental implants. Furthermore, dentures may be removed from the mouth, unlike dental implants. Dentures today are made to look and feel as natural as possible. They’re much more affordable than dental implants but do have to be replaced eventually.

Dental Bridges

Fixed bridges are usually made up of two or more dental crowns that are used to fill the gap between two or more teeth. Bridges may be reinforced by either natural or artificial teeth, such as implants. This type of dental restoration is minimal but cost-effective. 

Root Canal Therapy

Root canals are typically done on infected teeth. They’re known as the last-chance option, where the dentist removes the infected pulp in hopes of saving your natural tooth from further damage. If the tooth is too far damaged, then tooth extraction will be needed.  

Find a Lexington Dentist 

As you can see, there are many restorative dentistry options. Park Hills Family Dentistry has been helping restore the smiles of residence of Lexington, KY, for years. Contact us today to find out which dental restoration is best for your smile. We look forward to hearing from you!