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How Dental Implants Improve Your Smile  

How Dental Implants Improve Your Smile 

Dental implants can have a positive impact on your smile. This restorative dentistry treatment replaces any missing teeth and can help with other treatments like bridges or dentures. To see if this dental treatment is for you, Dr. Kim, a dentist in Lexington, KY, shares how dental implants improve your smile. 

Prevent The Loss of Other Teeth

A dental implant is made up of a titanium screw, which is surgically implanted into your jawbone beneath your gum line. The screw forms a natural attachment with your jawbone and is attached to a custom-made prosthetic tooth known as a crown. Patients love that his treatment is a permanent tooth replacement option. 

You may be wondering why your dentist may recommend dental implants. Dr. Kim explains that your jawbone can begin to weaken when a tooth is extracted and not replaced. Other teeth may be lost as a result of this. Wearing dentures and bridges can also put a strain on your other teeth. In some cases, your natural teeth must be ground down to allow for the insertion of bridges, which can lead to tooth loss. When you have dental implants, none of this is needed. In fact, dental implants stimulate bone growth, which improves both your jawbone and your existing teeth.

Prevent Gum Disease

Dentures and bridges can obstruct excellent oral health by making it more difficult to eliminate food and bacteria through brushing and flossing. Gum illnesses such as gingivitis and periodontitis can cause gum swelling, bleeding, infection, tooth loss, and inflammation. This is all a result of poor dental hygiene.

Bacteria and inflammation can spread throughout your body as a result of severe periodontitis. It’s important that you visit your dentist in Lexington, KY, for deep dental cleanings. This dental problem may increase your chances of developing heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, pregnancy issues, infertility, Alzheimer’s disease, and lung infections.

Brushing and flossing with dental implants can be easier than with dentures and bridges. Because implanted teeth feel like real teeth, you can brush and floss completely. As a result, getting dental implants are lowering your chances of developing gum disease and the accompanying health hazards.

Improve Daily Tasks

If you or someone you know has dentures or bridges, you’re definitely aware of the lengthy list of things to avoid, which includes nuts, nut butter, seeds, whole grains like popcorn, certain raw vegetables like carrots and corn on the cob, and some fruits like raspberries, apples, and pears.

Some of the foods on this list are extremely nutritious. Fruits and vegetables, for example, are high in nutrients associated with heart health. Furthermore, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains are high in fiber, which has been associated with a lower risk of a number of health issues, including heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and several types of cancer.

When you have dental implants, you don’t have to limit your intake of healthy foods, explains Dr. Moghadam, a dentist in Easton, PA. You may also indulge in a treat from time to time. Anyone up for some peanut brittle?

Improve Your Quality of Life

Missing teeth, ill-fitting dentures, or bridgework that causes pain or self-consciousness can undermine your self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Feelings like this can have a substantial influence on your quality of life and, in turn, your health over time.

When you’re confident in yourself, anything seems achievable. You are more likely to engage in health-promoting habits such as eating healthier foods, exercising, avoiding tobacco products.

Contact a Dentist in Lexington, KY

Now that you know how dental implants can improve your smile, you can decide if they’re worth getting. Ultimately, dental implants can enhance your oral health and overall well-being if you have missing teeth, dentures, or bridges. At Park Hills Family Dentistry, we can assist you in determining whether dental implants are the best option for you. Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry to schedule your dental implant consultation with Dr. Kim and Dr. Oberst.