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Why You Should See A Dentist For Tooth Pain 

When Is It Time To See Your Dentist In Lexington KY

Dental pain can be caused by a number of different factors, ranging from cavities and gum disease to TMJ and Wisdom teeth. As a result, it can be difficult to determine the underlying cause of the pain without seeing a dentist. In general, however, it is best to see a dentist as soon as possible if you are experiencing any type of tooth pain. This is because dental problems tend too worsen over time.  When an early intervention can often prevent more serious issues from developing. Additionally, some causes of dental pain, such as abscesses, can be quite painful and may require prescription medication to treat. Therefore, if you are experiencing any type of dental pain, it is best to schedule an appointment with your dentist in Lexington KY as soon as possible.

Symptoms That It Might Be Time To See The Dentist 

One of the most common dental problems is an infection, or abscess, of the tooth. This occurs when bacteria enters the tooth through a break in the enamel and begins to multiply. Symptoms of a dental abscess include pain that may be sharp, throbbing, or constant. In some people, pain results only when pressure is applied to the tooth. There may also be swelling around the tooth, fever or headache, and foul-tasting drainage from the infected tooth. If left untreated, a dental abscess can damage the surrounding teeth and jawbone. It is important to see the best dentist in Lexington KY as soon as possible if you think you have an infection. Treatment typically involves antibiotics to clear the infection and a root canal procedure to remove the damaged portion of the tooth.

What Happens When You Get To Your Lexington KY Dentist

When you visit your dentist for a toothache, they will ask you several questions about your pain. This information, along with a physical examination, will help them determine the cause of your toothache. They will ask about the severity and location of the pain, as well as any factors that make the pain worse or better. Your dentist will then examine your mouth to look for signs of infection, tooth decay, or other damage. Once the cause of your toothache has been determined, Dr. Kim will recommend a treatment plan. This may involve medications to relieve pain and reduce inflammation, dental procedures to repair damage, or changes to your oral hygiene routine. Our friends at High Desert Dental, the best dentist in Grand Junction CO, believe with the proper treatment, most toothaches can be resolved quickly and effectively.

Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry!

Looking for a new family dentist? Look no further than Park Hills Family Dentistry! We provide comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages, from young children to seniors. Our experienced team offers a wide range of services, including preventative care, routine fillings and cleanings, crowns and bridges, and more. We take pride in our commitment to providing quality care, and we work hard to make sure our patients are comfortable and relaxed during their appointments. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!