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What Is Considered A Dental Emergency? 

When to Seek Immediate Dental Care at Park Hills Family Dentistry

Experiencing a dental emergency in Lexington KY can be an overwhelming and daunting experience, especially if you’re unsure what is considered an emergency. Knowing the difference between a regular appointment and a dental emergency can help you quickly determine when it’s time to seek immediate care from your dentist near you. Here at Park Hills Family Dentistry, we want to make sure our patients are aware of what is considered a dental emergency and how to take action in such cases.

What Is Considered A Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency can range from severe tooth pain or trauma to the mouth, jaw, or gums that requires immediate attention. The most common types of dental emergencies include: broken teeth, lost fillings, lost crowns, chipped teeth, infected gums and teeth, knocked-out teeth, abscesses, and TMJ disorders. Pain is usually the primary indicator that something needs immediate attention – if you are experiencing intense pain or discomfort in your mouth it’s important to seek out professional care right away.

If You Have A Dental Emergency

If you have a dental emergency it’s important to stay calm and contact Park Hills Family Dentistry as soon as possible. Our team will provide helpful guidance on how best to manage your situation until you can be seen at our office for a professional evaluation. Depending on the type of injury or condition your dentist may recommend either an office visit or other treatments such as antibiotics for infection control or further imaging for diagnosis purposes.

When It Is Not An Emergency

It’s also important to note that not all issues require immediate attention – some problems can wait until regular office hours such as sensitivity due to temperature changes in food or drinks, orthodontic pains (i.e., Invisalign trays), cavities that do not cause pain yet need repair before they do cause pain etc. It’s always better safe than sorry though so if you have any questions about whether an issue warrants immediate attention please contact us directly with any questions or concerns!

Contact Us Today For Emergency Dentistry!

At Park Hills Family Dentistry we understand that dealing with a dental emergency can be extremely stressful but there is no need to panic! Our team here is always available to answer any questions regarding what constitutes an emergency and provide helpful tips on how best to manage the situation until help arrives. If you ever find yourself in need of urgent care please don’t hesitate reach out – we are here for you! We hope this article helps shed light on what is considered a dental emergency and when it’s time to seek professional treatment from one of our highly trained dentists here at Park Hills Family Dentistry located in Lexington KY!