What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning

what to expect during a dental cleaning - lexington dentist

What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning 

What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning

Regardless of how meticulous your oral hygiene regimen is, every one needs a professional dental cleaning. These regular dental visits to your dentist in Lexington, KY, will help you avoid dental problems such as gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer. You may be wondering what to expect during a dental cleaning at Park Hills Family Dentistry. Dr. Kim shares more in the blog below.

When Should I Get a Dental Cleaning?

Many patients underestimate the power of professional dental cleanings. Over time, tartar and plaque buildup causes teeth to stain and cavities to develop. When you see us for a professional teeth cleaning, our hygienists will remove the tartar. This can only be done by a professional, which is why many Lexington dentists recommend two dental cleanings per year. Here’s a closer look at what to expect during a dental cleaning with our team.

What Do You Do Before a Dental Cleaning?

A dental cleaning is a simple procedure that requires little preparation. Make sure you’re practicing good oral hygiene on a daily basis. Then, before your visit with Dr. Kim, brush your teeth. Your hygienist can clean more thoroughly, but a simple brush helps remove debris and frees up your time for more thorough cleaning. If you have dental anxiety, this is a good way to reduce the amount of time spent in the chair. Do you have any questions or concerns? Write them down so that you can ask them at your appointment.

Your Dental Cleaning

After checking in at the front desk with one of our team members, your hygienist will walk you to one of the rooms. The hygienist will give you an apron or bib to wear to protect your clothes from stains. One of the first things they do is look at your gum lines. You will be asked a few questions about any problems or sensitive areas. Next, your hygienist will start your cleaning. At this time, x-rays will be taken if necessary. You won’t have to leave the room if your dentist has a handheld x-ray device from Digital Doc. 

For the first part of your cleaning, your hygienist will gently scrape tartar and plaque off your teeth. If you have a lot built-up, then this part will take longer than the polishing. Then, each tooth will be polished, followed by flossing. This can also eliminate surface stains, allowing your smile to shine brighter. If you are ever dissatisfied with the color of your teeth, you should inquire about teeth whitening.

The Assessment

Once your cleaning portion is complete, Dr. Kim will come in for a full-mouth evaluation. Dentists used to only use a metal probe and an angled mirror, but now we use a variety of tools. The target is the same: to detect any signs of tooth decay. Your dentist will examine your gums for problems such as deep pockets, redness, and inflammation. 

Your dental professional will also examine your upper and lower jaw for signs of temporomandibular joint disorder. She will examine the soft tissues in your mouth, palate, lymph glands, and neck for signs of oral cancer. During this time, Dr. Kim will address any concerns she may have. This is also the time for patients to address any questions or concerns they have. 

Dental Anxiety

Dental cleanings are quick and easy! They’re an important part of maintaining a happy and healthy smile. Understanding what teeth cleaning entails may alleviate any concern you may have about scheduling your next appointment. However, if you are still nervous, ask about our sedation dentistry options. Sedation dentistry is also known as sleep dentistry, but it does not put you to sleep. Instead, you are awake and aware of all that is going on around you. You can hear and respond to questions and instructions as well. However, it makes you feel less anxious and worried about the treatment.

Sedation dentistry may also help with other issues that can make a dental visit uncomfortable. It can make sitting in the dental chair more relaxed. Please contact Park Hills Family Dentistry if you’re in need of a dental cleaning or other dental services in Lexington, KY