Dental Cleaning in Lexington KY

Dental Cleaning in Lexington KY 

Schedule Your End of Year Dental Cleaning in Lexington KY

Can you believe that we are just weeks away from 2022? We at Park Hills Family Dentistry hope you intend to make the most of the rest of the year. This should include an appointment for a tooth cleaning in Lexington KY and exam. Our dentist in Lexington KY  wants you to begin 2022 with a healthy mouth and a cause to grin.

Make it a Habit to Schedule Your Dental Cleanings

We don’t have to tell you that a lot may happen to your teeth in a year, let alone during a lifetime. We also recognize that, as a result of COVID-19, many people may not have had periodic checks when they originally scheduled an appointment.

That is just one of the reasons our Lexington KY Dentist wants to urge you to plan a year-end cleaning before the new year comes.

The other cause is more common. We want your mouth to be as healthy as possible.

Implement Preventative Maintenance at Home

You understand that preventative maintenance is the greatest way to keep your smile healthy. This begins with establishing a consistent dental care regimen at home. Brushing your teeth twice a day (for two minutes each time) and flossing once a day is recommended by the American Dental Association.

Regular dental checks should also be part of your schedule. If you have dental insurance, your coverage will most likely cover all or the majority of this type of dental appointment. We’ve also discovered that many dental insurance provide benefits for a limited period. Typically, this is a calendar year. (If you have dental insurance, consult your policy for further information.)

Maintain Your Smile

Preventive care helps more than simply keep your teeth healthy. It can also help you save money.

Our dentist office in Lexington KY can eliminate plaque and tartar from your mouth before you develop tooth decay or gum disease by performing a thorough cleaning. During your appointment, we’ll also be on the lookout for any indicators of such issues so you can address them as soon as possible.

You may not want a filling or non-surgical gum disease therapy right now, but think about the alternative. If your cavity or periodontal infection worsens, you might end up with a tooth infection or lose a tooth.

We don’t have to tell you that a root canal operation, while beneficial, is more expensive than a cleaning. Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, Colorado Springs CO dentist, adds that replacing a lost tooth is also more expensive than filling a cavity.

We can also assist you if you are afraid to schedule an appointment due to dental anxiety. During their appointments, many individuals take use of our sedation dentistry. Laughing gas, often known as inhaled sedation, is a quick and easy approach to ease your worries and keep you pain-free throughout your visit with us. We also provide oral medication if you are really anxious. With this option, you should have someone else transport you to and from your appointment, but it will allow you to obtain the routine care you require.

Schedule Your Tooth Cleaning With Park Hills Family Dentistry

We can’t wait to deliver high-quality dental services to your entire family!  Make your appointment as soon as possible. To schedule an appointment, click here.