Maximize Your Dental Benefits

Maximize Dental Benefits

Maximize Your Dental Benefits 

Maximize Your Dental Benefits Before They Expire

Having dental coverage improves oral health, overall health, and well-being. Those who reported having outstanding dental health were twice as likely to report having very good or excellent physical health. Below, our Lexington KY dentist shares  how to maximize your dental benefits before end of year.

Take Advantage of Preventative Dental Care

Regular preventative treatment helps the dentist to detect and treat oral health issues early on. This allows you to avoid costly and significant dental difficulties in the future. Furthermore, most dental insurance plans offer Lexington KY tooth cleanings cleanings, examinations, and X-rays.

The Relationship Between Oral and Overall Health

As our Lexington KY dentist office wants you to know, your dental health is intertwined with your whole wellness. Gum disease has been related to a variety of health problems. This includes diabetes and heart disease, according to research. In reality, the dentist may identify more than 120 disorders during a basic dental exam. As follows, dental appointments can lead to the early discovery of significant problems. Thus, should be included in your entire wellness plan.

Dental Expenses Can Be Paid With Flexible Spending Account Dollars

If your workplace offers a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), make use of any remaining funds before the end of the year. The majority of dental costs are FSA-eligible healthcare expenses. With an FSA, you cut your taxable income and set away money for medical costs. When you utilize tax-free cash to pay for these costs, our dentist near me explains that you have higher take-home income, considerable tax savings, and more control over your family budget. Thus, our friends at Gentle Dental, Loganville dentist office, note that this allows you to prepare for future expenses such as dental work.

In January, your dental plan benefits may be reset.

With the end of the year approaching, it is critical to examine your dental benefits and understand what is covered under your plan, your remaining yearly maximum available, and when your dental benefits begin again. Dental plans are either calendar or plan year based. If you have calendar-year dental plans, they will renew on January 1, which means you will have to pay your deductible again after the beginning of the year. Your annual maximum will also reset at the start of your dental plan year, so depending on your plan, you may lose some of your previous year’s annual maximum allowance if you did not see your dentist in Lexington KY.

Make the most of your dental benefits before the end of the year by scheduling an appointment with your dentist. It will assist you in beginning 2021 with a healthier smile, improved general health, and more money in your wallet.

The Basics of Gingivitis


The Basics of Gingivitis 

All The Basics of Gingivitis 

Did you know that most Americans will get gum disease at some point in their lives? In fact, it affects over ¾ of the population. If you’re not familiar with gum disease, gingivitis is one of the first stages of this dental problem. Luckily, it can be easily managed, treated, and even prevented. In this article, Dr. Jinyoung Kim, the best dentist in Lexington, KY, discusses the basics of gingivitis. 

What is Gingivitis? 

Gingivitis develops when plaque accumulates on teeth and creates toxins that irritate the gums. Additionally, many patients are unaware that they have gingivitis at first because the symptoms are so mild. Some symptoms to watch out for include bleeding, puffy, pain, inflamed, or red gums. Gingivitis must be managed so that it does not advance to a more dangerous form of gum disease.

Dr. Kim says that the most effective way to combat gingivitis is to remove plaque from your teeth on a daily basis. Other risk factors for gingivitis include smoking, stress, hormonal fluctuations, poor nutrition, drugs, and chronic conditions. Our friend, Dr. Dave Moghadam, a dentist in Easton, PA, says that women who are expecting or nursing are more at risk for developing gum disease. Therefore, it is important that these patients are adamant about their oral hygiene. 

Gingivitis Treatment and Prevention

Here are some important techniques for preventing gingivitis or gum disease. Furthermore, these daily habits will decrease your chances of developing most dental problems. 

  • Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes using a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Use an antigingivitis mouthwash 
  • Floss every day
  • Visit your dentist in Lexington, KY, for hygiene and periodontal health evaluation

Gingivitis vs. Periodontal Disease

Gingivitis and periodontitis are both stages of gum disease. Out of the four stages, gingivitis is the most common type of gum disease. As mentioned above, those with gingivitis will experience inflamed, puffy, bleeding gums. Gingivitis is reversible, but if not treated by your dentist, it can proceed to periodontitis. During this stage, the patient will experience gum recession as the infection gets worse. Without treatment, the patient will develop advanced periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is irreversible and can lead to tooth loss. If you’re experiencing any symptoms of gum disease, it’s important to contact Park Hills Family Dentistry. Our team will help you get your oral health back on track. Call us today!

Deep Dental Cleanings: Should I Get One?

deep cleaning Lexington, KY

Deep Dental Cleanings: Should I Get One?  

Deep Dental Cleanings: Should I Get One? 

A deep dental cleaning, also known as gum therapy, is a treatment that cleans between the gums and teeth all the way down to the roots. The hygienist or dentist will clean the tooth, gum line, and sides of the teeth, just like a routine cleaning. Additionally, tartar below the gum line to the root of the tooth is removed.

What is a Deep Cleaning?

It is more thorough than a conventional cleaning and is intended to cure and prevent gum disease from worsening. In this article, our dentist in Lexington, KY, discusses deep dental cleanings and if you should get one. 

Hygiene and Periodontal Health

Because your mouth is full of bacteria and plaque, it’s recommended that you brush twice a day and floss daily. Routine checkups and cleanings aid in the removal of plaque that accumulates on your teeth on a daily basis. The majority of the plaque is found along the gum line, which most of us overlook when brushing. Plaque hardens to tartar, which your dental hygienist will remove during routine cleanings.

If you don’t brush your teeth on a regular basis, or if you are at risk for gum disease, your gums may develop gingivitis. Symptom so of gingivitis includes red, swollen gums that bleed easily when touched. If left untreated, this can progress to periodontal disease, a more severe stage of gingivitis. Dr. Kim urges you to treat your gingivitis before it develops into tooth loss.

Gum Disease

Suspect you have gum disease? Visit our dental office in Lexington, KY, for an evaluation. To determine if there is an infection, we will take dental x-rays and assess the depth of the pockets. This is standard practice. You’ve probably heard your hygienist readout numbers while evaluating each tooth. 

Deep Cleaning vs. Regular Teeth Cleaning

Comparing routine teeth cleaning to a deep teeth cleaning is akin to comparing apples and oranges, says our friend Dr. O’Grady, a dentist in Denver, CO. He explains that the two treatments accomplish very different tasks. A regular cleaning’s purpose is preventative maintenance, whereas a deep teeth cleaning’s purpose is to halt periodontal disease.

Do I Need a Deep Cleaning?

Only your dentist or dental hygienist can be certain. If your dentist finds considerable pockets—those four mms or larger—you are at risk for (or in the early stages of) periodontal disease. This qualifies you for a deep cleaning. A dental deep cleaning visit will stop the periodontal disease from getting worse. Without treatment, the bacteria that caused your gum pockets will continue to cause plaque, tartar, and bone loss.

You are not alone if you have been informed that you need a deep cleaning at the dentist. Gum disease is one of the most common dental problems today. Luckily, gum disease or periodontal disease is preventable. As mentioned above, it’s crucial that you follow a good oral hygiene regimen and visit your dentist every six months. 

Contact Dentist in Lexington, KY

Need a deep cleaning? Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry! Our team of professionals will take good care of you and your little ones. Our dental office is located in Lexington, KY. We offer a wide range of dental services. Dr. Kim and Dr. Oberst look forward to meeting you soon!

Cosmetic Dentistry Options

cosmetic dentistry options - Lexington KY

Cosmetic Dentistry Options  

Cosmetic Dentistry Options

There are so many wonderful cosmetic dentistry options to choose from when you visit Park Hills Family Dentistry. Our team can help transform almost any smile into their dream smile. However, not every treatment is for everyone. Some have more requirements than others. Read the article below to learn more about cosmetic dentistry options.

Teeth Whitening

Also known as “teeth bleaching,” this procedure can brighten and whiten your teeth to remove discoloration and/or staining. It can be done in the dental office or at home. It’s important to see your dentist in Lexington, KY, for a consultation before undergoing any treatment. Otherwise, you risk damaging your enamel. You can achieve up to 10 shades whiter when you choose professional teeth whitening. 


Lumineers are made of porcelain or composite material that covers your natural teeth. They are an alternative to dental veneers and are custom-made and cemented to the front side of the tooth. A lumineer can be used to treat dental conditions such as a slightly crooked tooth, discolored teeth, chipped teeth, or even gaps between the teeth. Our friend, Dr. Moghadam, a cosmetic dentist in Easton, PA, agrees that lumineers can truly enhance your smile by giving you new and improved confidence.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a metal device used to replace missing teeth. The device is typically made of titanium and is surgically implanted into the jawbone where the tooth is missing. A dental implant is designed to act as the tooth root and can support artificial teeth such as a crown, bridge, or denture. Dental implants aren’t for everyone. Patients need substantial jaw bone density to secure the dental implant. Ask Dr. Kim if dental implants are an option for you.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns, also known as caps, are custom-made to fit over your entire tooth. They are typically made of acrylic or porcelain that has been fused to metal to withstand biting pressure. Crowns can be used in cosmetic dentistry to treat teeth that are poorly shaped, badly decayed, broken, chipped, or have had large fillings, as well as to cover gaps between teeth. This treatment is an affordable way to improve your smile. 

Clear Aligners

A beautiful, cohesive smile is something many of us aim to achieve. If you have misaligned teeth, consider getting clear aligners. With Clear Aligners, you can straighten your teeth in a more discrete way. Yes, you won’t have to deal with metal wires or brackets. Clear aligners offer so many amazing benefits. Ask Dr. Kim if this orthodontic treatment is for you. 

As you can see, there are so many wonderful cosmetic dentistry options to choose from. Decide which treatment is best for you and your smile goals. Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry today for a consultation with Dr. Kim and her team!

Need a New Family Dentist?

need a new family dentist Lexington KY

Need a New Family Dentist? 

Need a New Family Dentist?

Although maintaining a beautifully aesthetic smile is a goal for many patients, good oral health should be just as important. Good oral health requires consistent oral hygiene and professional care. Are you in need of a new family dentist in Lexington, KY? In the article below, Dr. Jinyoung Kim shares what to look for when choosing a new family dentist.

What characteristics distinguish the best family dentist, and is there a good family dentist near me? Fortunately, Dr. Kim understands what to look for. Several factors to consider when selecting a family dentist are listed below. To schedule your initial assessment, please contact our dental office in Lexington, KY.

Dental Services

One factor that patients don’t always look for when choosing a new family dentist is the dental services provided. You’ll want to find a Lexington, KY dentist that offers comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages. You can find this out before booking an appointment with the dentist. Just go online and look at their website, reviews, or give them a call. This will help you eliminate the hassle of finding a new dentist who is either out of network with your insurance provider or doesn’t offer the services you need.


When searching for a “family dentist near me,” you’ll want to find someone who is not only nearby but available during the times you need them. For example, if you work a Monday – Friday job 9-5 job and the dental office is only open during those hours, then you should consider finding a different dentist. There are plenty of other dentists who offer flexible hours, say our friends. At Park Hills Family Dentistry, we want your trip to our dental office to be easy and convenient for all patients. 

Modern Dentistry 

The best family dentist is always willing to invest in cutting-edge technology and equipment. These tools are critical for identifying underlying dental issues and developing an effective treatment plan for the future. If you want to learn more about our advanced dental technology, visit our website or schedule an appointment today!

Emergency Dentistry 

Dental emergencies happen when you least expect them, which is why you need a dental office you can rely on. If there ever comes a time where you experience a chipped tooth, broken tooth, or are in extreme dental pain, contact Park Hills Family Dentistry for emergency dentistry services. Our team will do everything we can to get you out of pain.

Contact a Family Dentist Near Me

Park Hills Family Dentistry is happy to provide comprehensive dental services to the residents of Lexington, KY. If you’re in the market for a new family dentist, look no further! Contact our dental office today for general dentistryrestorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and more. 

Clear Aligners Treatment

clear aligner treatment Lexington KY

Clear Aligners Treatment 

Clear Aligners Treatment

Clear aligners are one of the many technological advances that have vastly improved the dental industry as a whole. Patients everywhere are now straightening their smiles with clear aligners. In this article, Dr. Kim, a dentist in Lexington, KY, walks us through what you can expect with the clear aligner treatment

How Aligners Work

Like traditional braces, aligners are meant to shift the teeth to their desired place over time. Before treatment starts, Dr. Kim will access your smile using advanced dental technology. She will take digital impressions of your smile and show you what your desired smile will look like. With each aligner tray, you’ll be able to see how your smile improves. Once you’ve decided to start treatment, you will get custom aligners made. Every 2-3 weeks, you will be required to switch out your trays for a new set. Everyone’s smile is different, so that some treatments may take longer than others. Our friend Dr. Hoang, a dentist in Bethlehem, GA, agrees that clear aligner treatments are typically shorter than traditional braces. Below we share the pros and cons of clear aligners. 

Pros of Clear Aligners

  • No metal brackets or wires. Yes, no more embarrassing wires! Most people won’t notice you wearing your clear aligners whereas, it’s obvious if you have traditional braces.
  • Can correct most dental problems. Clear aligners can treat misaligned, overcrowded teeth, overbites, underbites, and more! 
  • Optimal oral health. Patients love the fact that clear aligners are removable. You can take them out whenever to brush, floss, and eat! Keep in mind that you will only be able to do so for a small amount of time. 
  • More efficient. Clear aligners are more efficient than traditional braces. 

Cons of Clear Aligners:

  • More expensive. Clear aligners are a little more expensive than traditional braces, but it’s well worth it!
  • More responsibility. If your teenager wants to undergo clear aligners, make sure they know they’re responsible for their aligner trays. It’s easy to lose them since they’ll be taking them out when they eat or drink.

Are Clear Aligners For Me?

Visit our dental office in Lexington, KY, to see if clear aligners are for you. Dr. Kim and her team will assess your smile and recommend the best treatment options for your unique smile. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!