Explore Root Canal Therapy

Explore Root Canal Therapy

Explore Root Canal Therapy 

Exploring Root Canal Therapy

Are you looking for an experienced dentist in Lexington who can discuss your treatment options, including root canal therapy? You’re not alone. Root canal procedures are one of the most common dental treatments and can provide long-term relief from uncomfortable symptoms like tooth sensitivity and pain caused by decay or infection deep within a tooth. At our practice, we strive to make sure everyone has access to exceptional care when it comes to their oral health needs – that’s why we offer comprehensive root canal services designed with your comfort in mind. Take some time today to learn more about this procedure so that you have all the information needed when selecting a solution for your oral health issues!

What is root canal therapy and when is it necessary

While no one enjoys the thought of needing root canal therapy, it is a vital procedure that can save a tooth from extraction. During root canal therapy, the nerve and pulp of a tooth are removed in order to clean out any infected or damaged tissue. This process is necessary when a tooth is suffering from deep decay, trauma, or an infection, and allows the tooth to be restored and function normally once again. While the thought of a root canal may be intimidating, modern techniques and anesthesia have made it a much more comfortable experience than in the past. Don’t be afraid to discuss any concerns or questions with your dentist – they are there to ensure the best possible outcome for your oral health.

Benefits of root canal therapy for treating dental pain and infection

Do you suffer from persistent tooth pain or dental infection that just won’t go away? Root canal therapy may be the solution you’re looking for! Not only can it relieve your discomfort, but it can also protect your teeth from further damage. During the procedure, the infected or damaged tissue is removed from the tooth, and the root canal system is cleaned and sealed. This allows your tooth to be saved and fully restored to its natural function. Plus, with advances in technology and techniques, the treatment is now more comfortable and efficient than ever before. So don’t let dental pain and infection control your life. Explore the benefits of root canal therapy and enjoy a healthier, happier smile today!

How to prepare for a root canal procedure

If you are feeling a bit anxious about getting a root canal, take comfort in knowing that it is a common procedure with a high success rate. To prepare for your root canal, start by discussing any concerns or questions with your dentist. They will go over the process with you and ensure that you are comfortable with what to expect. Consider taking the day off from work so that you can rest and recover after the procedure. It’s also a good idea to have soft foods on hand for the first few days of recovery. Most importantly, remember that by getting a root canal, you are taking an important step towards improving your dental health and avoiding more serious issues down the line.

What to expect from the process of a root canal

If you’re facing a root canal, it’s understandable if you’re feeling a bit nervous. However, there’s good news: the process of a root canal is often much easier than patients expect. Your dentist will start by numbing the affected area, so you won’t feel any pain during the procedure. From there, they’ll gently remove any infected or damaged tissue from the inside of your tooth, using specialized tools to ensure that your tooth is completely clean and ready for restoration. While the process may take a bit of time, you’ll be surprised at how comfortable it can be. So, if you’re gearing up for a root canal, take heart and focus on the end result: a healthy, pain-free tooth that will last for many years to come.

Post-procedure care after root canal treatment

Congratulations on completing your root canal treatment! Now it’s time to focus on post-procedure care to ensure that your tooth fully heals. Although the process can seem daunting and uncomfortable, remember that it is a necessary step to save your tooth from further complications. To minimize any discomfort, it’s important to follow your dentist’s instructions carefully. This may include avoiding hot or cold drinks, sticking to soft foods, and taking prescribed medication. By taking care of your tooth properly, you’ll be on your way to a healthier and happier smile in no time!

Ways to reduce the cost of root canal therapy without sacrificing quality

Root canal therapy is a necessary dental procedure that can provide long-term relief from tooth pain and restore dental health. However, the cost of this treatment can be a source of anxiety for many patients. The good news is that there are ways to reduce the cost of root canal therapy without sacrificing quality. One option is to work with your dentist to create a payment plan that fits your budget. Another is to explore dental insurance options that cover part or all of the procedure. Additionally, seeking out a reputable and experienced endodontist can save you money by minimizing the need for repeat treatments. With the right mindset and approach, you can receive high-quality root canal therapy without breaking the bank.

Contact Us Today

Root canal therapy is an effective treatment for dental problems that can help save a tooth from serious damage and infection. It’s also important to remember that the costs of these treatments don’t have to be prohibitively expensive — in fact, there are various ways to save money on a root canal procedure without compromising quality. As always, speaking with your dentist will ensure that you understand all the risks and benefits involved with this type of treatment. If you’re dealing with dental pain or infection and think that you may benefit from a root canal procedure, contact us today at Park Hills Family Dentistry to schedule an appointment. We’ll be happy to discuss your individual situation and come up with an appropriate plan of action for your unique needs. Thank you for taking the time to read about this important topic — we look forward to working with you soon!

How To Handle a Dental Emergency

How To Handle a Dental Emergency

How To Handle a Dental Emergency 

Tips on How To Handle a Dental Emergency

When you are in need of a dentist for an urgent or possibly painful dental emergency, it is important to act quickly and calmly. Fortunately, finding the right Lexington dentist to accommodate your dental needs does not have to be stressful. With some research and knowledge of what local dentists have to offer, you can feel secure knowing that you will be receiving high-quality care from dedicated professionals with experience caring for even the most complicated dental emergencies. Read on for tips and resources on how to handle a dental emergency

Understand the Symptoms of a Dental Emergency and When to Seek Help

Maintaining good oral health is important, but unfortunately, dental emergencies can still happen when we least expect them. It’s important to understand the symptoms of a dental emergency and know when to seek help. Whether it’s a knocked-out tooth, a root canal, or a tooth extraction, it’s best not to wait too long before seeking assistance. Ignoring the problem may lead to more serious issues, such as infection or further damage to your teeth and gums. The good news is that many dental emergencies can be treated successfully if you seek help promptly. Don’t hesitate to contact your dentist or seek emergency dental care if your symptoms are causing you pain or discomfort. Remember, a healthy smile is worth the effort, so take care of your teeth and seek prompt attention when necessary.

Have an Emergency Plan Ready for Quick Action

You never know when a dental emergency might strike. That’s why it’s important to have a plan in place so you can act quickly if the need arises. Having a well-thought-out emergency plan can not only save you valuable time, but it can also bring peace of mind in a stressful situation. Make sure to gather the right information, such as your dentist’s phone number and address, and have it readily available. Additionally, consider packing a small emergency dental kit with items such as gauze, pain relievers, and oral numbing gel. By taking these simple steps, you can be prepared for anything that comes your way.

Make Sure You Have the Necessary Information Handy

Having the necessary information handy can be a lifesaver, especially when it comes to unexpected situations like a dental emergency. Knowing the name and number of your dentist or the nearest emergency dental clinic are just a couple of crucial pieces of information that can make all the difference in a time of crisis. But it’s not just about emergency situations, having your dental history and insurance information handy can save you time and stress in the long run. By taking a proactive approach and ensuring you have the necessary information at your fingertips, you can feel confident and prepared in any dental situation that may arise.

Take Actions to Reduce Swelling and Pain

Nobody likes experiencing a dental emergency, but it happens. When you’re dealing with swelling and pain, taking action is the best way to get back to feeling like yourself. Luckily, there are steps you can take to reduce both the swelling and the pain. Try holding a cold compress on the affected area for 10-20 minutes at a time. Over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can also help with the pain. Staying hydrated and avoiding solid foods can reduce swelling if it’s caused by an infection or tooth abscess. Don’t let swelling and pain keep you down – take action and get back to smiling!

Visit Your Dentist or Emergency Room Right Away

When it comes to dental emergencies, the best thing you can do is act quickly. If you experience severe pain, bleeding, or swelling in your mouth, visit your dentist or emergency room right away. But don’t let the fear of a dental emergency keep you from going to the dentist regularly. Maintaining good oral health through routine check-ups and cleanings can help prevent emergencies from happening in the first place. Plus, there’s something to be said for the peace of mind that comes with knowing your teeth and gums are in tip-top shape. So, don’t put off that dental appointment any longer and take care of your teeth today!

Follow Your Dentist’s Instructions After Treatment

After experiencing a dental emergency, it’s understandable to feel a bit overwhelmed by the aftermath. However, it’s incredibly important to follow your dentist’s instructions after treatment to ensure a healthy and quick recovery. Your dentist is the expert and knows the best steps to take in order to promote proper healing and prevent any potential complications. By following their guidance on things like taking medication, avoiding certain foods, and practicing good oral hygiene, you’ll be back to feeling like yourself in no time. Remember, your dental health is crucial to your overall well-being, so don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist with any questions or concerns. Trust us, the payoff of following their instructions will be well worth it.

Contact Us Today

From understanding and recognizing the signs of a dental emergency to having an emergency plan ready and taking steps to reduce swelling and pain, you can be prepared when it comes to dealing with dental emergencies. It’s important to remember though that when facing a dental emergency you must visit your dentist or the nearest emergency room as soon as possible. Once the crisis is averted, make sure you follow their instructions regarding aftercare so that your mouth can heal itself naturally over time. With proper knowledge at hand and ready action plans, most dental emergencies can be successfully solved. If you’re looking for a preventative way of keeping your mouth healthy and free from emergencies such as cavities or other conditions, contact us today at Park Hills Family Dentistry to schedule an appointment at our office. We would love to help keep your teeth and gums healthy!

Emergency Dentist Lexington KY

Emergency Dentist Lexington KY

Emergency Dentist Lexington KY  

Are You In Need of A Emergency Dentist?

There are various factors to consider while choosing an emergency dentist in Lexington KY. It is essential to choose the correct dentist to make recuperating from a dental injury or illness as painless as possible.

How to Choose an Emergency Dentist

When a dental emergency occurs, it may be too late to spend time searching for a dentist online or contacting a friend for recommendations as talked about by our friends at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry dentist in Colorado Springs CO. At this moment, individuals must confront the emergency and prevent the situation from worsening. Many individuals end up in an emergency department, which is not always the best option.

While the emergency department can treat other wounds and injuries, it lacks the necessary tools, equipment, and personnel to tackle dental problems. Keeping this in mind, we recommend that you find an emergency dentist near you before you need one. Here are some pointers to help you discover one:

#1. Look In Your City 0r General Vicinity.

No one wants to drive an hour to locate a dentist in a dental emergency. Therefore, attending an emergency dentist within 20 or 30 minutes of the sites that a family frequently goes to is critical. A dentist, for example, maybe found within 20 minutes of the kids’ school and even closer to the house. If a patient needs to drive a long distance in an emergency, it will add to their worry and anxiety; therefore, this is a vital issue.

#2. Look For One That Takes Your Dental Insurance Plan.

Inquire with a Lexington KY dentist about if they accept the family’s dental insurance. If they don’t, it’s a good idea to find out before seeing them in an emergency. The insurance company can also provide a list of dentists who accept the plan and are willing to treat people in an emergency.

#3. Inquire About Their Working Hours

Find out what times an emergency dentist is available. For example, suppose there is a possibility that a dental emergency will occur in the evenings or on weekends due to an event such as regularly scheduled baseball games. In that case, it is best to choose a dentist who is open during those times. Otherwise, locating a dentist near you who accepts emergency patients is likely to suffice.

#4. Discover What Services They Offer

Inquire with a dentist about the services they provide. Finding one who serves emergency patients and also handles dental repairs would make your life a lot simpler. For example, if a tooth becomes chipped, an emergency dentist must be consulted. However, if the same doctor conducts aesthetic dentistry and can repair the tooth using different treatments, the rest of the dental work will not need to be finished elsewhere.

#5 Inquire About The Ages They Treat

Before a dental emergency occurs, find out what ages a dentist treats. If they exclusively handle adult patients, taking a five-year-old to the dentist when they chip a tooth is pointless. Inquire about the age ranges that a dentist treats so that if an emergency arises, your family knows where to go.

Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry Today

Prepare for a dental emergency by selecting an emergency dentist and keeping their contact information handy. Call us today to talk more with us about what services we offer. Our team of experts would love to sit down with you to talk about what we can do for you.

Lumineers vs. Veneers

lumineers vs. veneers - Dentist in Lexington KY

Lumineers vs. Veneers 

The Difference Between Lumineers vs. Veneers

Cosmetic dentistry has come a long way. In fact, there are so many new advancements, such as same-day dental crowns, that more patients are seeking treatment. One popular treatment we see today is veneers or lumineers. Veneers and lumineers are very similar. They both are made of porcelain material that can fix dental issues such as stains, discoloration, gaps, chipped or cracked teeth. If you’re looking for a perfect smile, consider lumineers of veneers. So, what’s the difference between lumineers vs. veneers? In this article, Dr. Jinyoung Kim, a dentist in Lexington, KY, explains more.

What Is the Difference Between Lumineers and Traditional Veneers?

As we mentioned above, lumineers and veneers are very similar. However, there are some distinct differences between the two cosmetic treatments. Below is the difference between lumineers vs. veneers


Since traditional porcelain veneers are made of thicker material, patients would need to get some of their tooth enamel removed. The tooth is shaved down so that the veneer can be glued to the outer part of the tooth. The end result looks natural and stunning. Lumineers, on the other hand, do not require enamel removal. They fit nice and snug over any size tooth. Additionally, this does not affect the durability or strength of the treatment, explains Dr. Jinyoung Kim. Their translucence seamlessly integrates with the existing tooth to reproduce the desired natural look without the invasive process of enamel removal.


Another disadvantage of traditional veneers is that it is permanent because of the removal of the enamel. Once you undergo treatment, it cannot be reversed. So, if a veneer is damaged in any way or needs to be removed, you will need to replace it. Keep in mind that dental veneers last from 10 to 30 years. Of course, if you need to remove the lumineers, your tooth enamel would still be intact. 


Despite the fact that many patients don’t go to the dentist because it can be uncomfortable, lumineers are virtually pain-free. As previously said, there is no need for tooth reconstruction. Thus there are no needles and no pain, as opposed to standard veneer placement. Our friend Dr. Cody Boals, a dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, says that the thinness of the lumineers provides the patient with no additional sensitivity or discomfort after placement. 

The Similarities of Veneers and Lumineers

Although there are some differences between lumineers vs. veneers, there are many similarities: 

  • Made of porcelain material to create a natural and youthful-looking smile. 
  • Can improve the appearance of your smile
  • Hides any imperfections such as gaps, discoloration, or chips. 
  • Durable
  • Minimal maintenance
  • Similar in price

Are Lumineers for Me?

As you can see, both lumineers and veneers offer great advantages. If you aren’t totally satisfied with your smile, know that veneers or lumineers can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted! Park Hills Family Dentistry would love to help you on your smile journey. Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry to set up your consultation today!

Tooth Extraction Recovery Tips


Tooth Extraction Recovery 

What to Expect for Tooth Extraction Recovery

Having a general idea of what to expect helps alleviate a lot of the worry that might accompany post-operative care. Below is what you can expect post tooth extraction.


Pain and swelling around your eyes, cheekbones, and jaw are common the day following surgery. Dr. Kim recommends applying an ice pack every twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, then remove the ice pack for twenty minutes. Keep this on rotation for a few days, several times a day. Our friend Dr. Chris Green, a dentist in Parker, CO, says that after 48 hours, ice therapy is no longer helpful. Therefore, you should transition to utilizing a heat pack to alleviate pain and swelling instead.


You should also expect some bleeding during the first few hours after having your wisdom teeth removed. Beginning 2 to 3 hours after your procedure, change the gauze at the surgery site every 30-60 minutes to help control bleeding. Biting down firmly on the gauze will also assist in limiting bleeding as well. Continue with this treatment until the bleeding has stopped completely. It is recommended that you contact Park Hills Family Dental team for treatment guidelines if the bleeding does not stop or worsens.

Tooth Extraction Recovery Tips: Dos

In most cases, it will take between two and four weeks for the socket (surgical site) to recover completely. Here are some crucial things you may do to aid in the progression of this process:

Keep Your Mouth Clean

It is acceptable to properly brush your teeth the night before your surgery. Dr. Kim says you should wait until the following day to rinse your mouth. From then on, gently rinse your mouth with a cup (8oz) of warm water combined with a teaspoon of salt at least 5 to 6 times a day, especially after meals, using this method.

Follow Your Doctor’s Recommendations

Follow your instructions recommended by your dentist in Lexington, KY, for taking any pain relievers prescribed to you to control discomfort and keep you comfortable. Also, if your dentist has recommended antibiotics, make sure to follow the instructions for taking them exactly as advised.


It is critical to avoid any physical exertion for the first 24 hours following wisdom teeth extraction. Maintain a comfortable pillow position for resting your head and avoid sleeping on the same side of your body as your extraction.

Watch What You Eat

Smoothies, ice cream, yogurt, and pudding are good choices for the first few days because they are soft and slightly chilled. After the first few days, you can gradually transition from liquids to semi-solids, such as warm soup, and then to solids. 

Tooth Extraction Recovery Tips: Don’ts

Assuming that you have followed Dr. Kim’s recommendations, there are a few things that you should not do.


It’s critical not to disturb the blood clot that has formed in the socket, or you could develop a condition known as dry socket, which is painful. During the first 24 hours, refrain from rinsing your mouth excessively, sucking on a straw, or sipping on fizzy beverages.


Smoking, in general, is horrible for your health. Patients who use tobacco products need to reframe for at least 48 hours post-tooth extraction. Otherwise, you could experience serious consequences. Alcohol should also be avoided. 

Blowing Your Nose

It can be difficult to refrain from blowing your nose post tooth extraction. During the first 14 days, you should only softly wipe your nose rather than blowing it. You could cause some problems with your surgical extraction area.

Eating Hard Foods

Foods that are difficult to chew should be avoided after an extraction because they might cause damage to delicate tissues. Cereals, nuts, and popcorn are examples of foods that are tough to chew after an extraction. Wait a week or so before re-introducing them to your meal plan.

Following these simple tooth extraction recovery tips should help you return back to normal. If you’re experiencing any trouble post-tooth extraction, give our dental office in Lexington, KY, a call. 

What is Root Canal Therapy

root canal therapy Lexington ky

What is Root Canal Therapy? 

What is Root Canal Therapy? 

For many patients at our dental office in Lexington, KY, hearing “root canal” during a dental exam and consultation may seem a little scary. Don’t worry. Root canals have come a long way, and it’s actually one of the best ways to save an infected tooth. Below, Dr. Jin Young Kim answers common questions about root canal therapy.

Common Questions About Root Canal Therapy

Many people have initial concerns about root canal therapy. Our team is happy to answer any of your questions or concerns. If you’re feeling uneasy about treatment, we offer sedation dentistry options as well. Here are some of our patients’ most frequent questions:

Why Do I Need a Root Canal?

It is important to extract the pulp found inside the inner part of the tooth when the inside of the tooth becomes infected. In the center of the tooth, infection and inflammation may occur due to decay spreading across the tooth, a crack or chip, or several dental procedures on that tooth. If the infection is left untreated, it can lead to extreme tooth pain, tooth abscess, and tooth loss. Our friends at Gentle Dental Group, a dental office in Bethlehem, GA, recommend seeing your dentist before the tooth decay progresses into something worse.

Does Root Canal Therapy Hurt?

Root canal therapy is no more painful than doing a regular filling. This therapy helps to alleviate the constant pain experienced when contaminated with the tooth. During the procedure, the local region would be numbed, allowing you a pain-free feeling while the work is done.

Should I Get a Tooth Extraction or a Root Canal?

Other dental problems may arise from an infected tooth, which is why prompt care is crucial. . But we urge patients whenever possible to preserve their natural teeth. With dental bridges and dental implants, though tooth replacement is available, nothing is as good as your natural tooth. Medication for the root canal helps you to retain the initial tooth and prevent tooth extraction. Additionally, relative to the extraction cost followed by an implant or bridge to replace the tooth, a root canal is easier.

Does a Root Canal Damage My Natural Tooth?

The removal of the inner portion of the tooth weakens the tooth’s overall structure. But with dental restorations, like an onlay or dental crown, it can be strengthened. A tooth extraction is an alterantive to root canal, but we will do everything we can to save your natural teeth. We will ensure that your natural tooth is strengthened by recommending the right restorative treatment post therapy. This is most commonly a dental crown.

What Can I Expect Post Root Canal?

You may not experience the same intense pain that was present before the root canal until the numbing wears off. They’ve replaced the inner nerves, offering you relaxation. Many individuals find that, although the underlying tissues are healing, you may be tender for a few days. Dr. Kim says that it may be good to consume soft foods and take over-the-counter pain medicine.

If you have more concerns about root canals or your oral health, please feel free to contact Park Hills Family Dentistry in Lexington, KY. Our team of professionals will help eliminate the plan and restore your smile.