Emergency Dentist Lexington KY

Emergency Dentist Lexington KY

Emergency Dentist Lexington KY  

Are You In Need of A Emergency Dentist?

There are various factors to consider while choosing an emergency dentist in Lexington KY. It is essential to choose the correct dentist to make recuperating from a dental injury or illness as painless as possible.

How to Choose an Emergency Dentist

When a dental emergency occurs, it may be too late to spend time searching for a dentist online or contacting a friend for recommendations as talked about by our friends at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry dentist in Colorado Springs CO. At this moment, individuals must confront the emergency and prevent the situation from worsening. Many individuals end up in an emergency department, which is not always the best option.

While the emergency department can treat other wounds and injuries, it lacks the necessary tools, equipment, and personnel to tackle dental problems. Keeping this in mind, we recommend that you find an emergency dentist near you before you need one. Here are some pointers to help you discover one:

#1. Look In Your City 0r General Vicinity.

No one wants to drive an hour to locate a dentist in a dental emergency. Therefore, attending an emergency dentist within 20 or 30 minutes of the sites that a family frequently goes to is critical. A dentist, for example, maybe found within 20 minutes of the kids’ school and even closer to the house. If a patient needs to drive a long distance in an emergency, it will add to their worry and anxiety; therefore, this is a vital issue.

#2. Look For One That Takes Your Dental Insurance Plan.

Inquire with a Lexington KY dentist about if they accept the family’s dental insurance. If they don’t, it’s a good idea to find out before seeing them in an emergency. The insurance company can also provide a list of dentists who accept the plan and are willing to treat people in an emergency.

#3. Inquire About Their Working Hours

Find out what times an emergency dentist is available. For example, suppose there is a possibility that a dental emergency will occur in the evenings or on weekends due to an event such as regularly scheduled baseball games. In that case, it is best to choose a dentist who is open during those times. Otherwise, locating a dentist near you who accepts emergency patients is likely to suffice.

#4. Discover What Services They Offer

Inquire with a dentist about the services they provide. Finding one who serves emergency patients and also handles dental repairs would make your life a lot simpler. For example, if a tooth becomes chipped, an emergency dentist must be consulted. However, if the same doctor conducts aesthetic dentistry and can repair the tooth using different treatments, the rest of the dental work will not need to be finished elsewhere.

#5 Inquire About The Ages They Treat

Before a dental emergency occurs, find out what ages a dentist treats. If they exclusively handle adult patients, taking a five-year-old to the dentist when they chip a tooth is pointless. Inquire about the age ranges that a dentist treats so that if an emergency arises, your family knows where to go.

Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry Today

Prepare for a dental emergency by selecting an emergency dentist and keeping their contact information handy. Call us today to talk more with us about what services we offer. Our team of experts would love to sit down with you to talk about what we can do for you.

Do I Need Root Canal Therapy?

Do I Need a Root Canal - Lexington KY

Do I Need Root Canal Therapy? 

Do I Need Root Canal Therapy?

root canal is a procedure used to save a patient’s natural tooth when there are no other options other than an extraction. When a tooth is severely damaged or decayed, a root canal is the last resort. This is the process of completely cleaning the infected tooth and decay all the way down to the tooth’s root. Here, Dr. Kim helps us celebrate Root Canal Awareness Week! Read below to discover how this procedure works and ask yourself, “Do I need root canal therapy?” 

101 On Tooth Decay

You may be familiar with the term cavities. Many patients experience cavities at some point in their life. When you eat, some bacteria in your mouth begin to break down your food for digestion. Plaque is formed when bacteria in your mouth are combined with sugar in your food. Plaque is a sticky, clear substance that forms on the surface of your teeth. Because plaque is acidic, it erodes tooth enamel over time when it sits on your teeth. The teeth are extremely tough, but they will eventually wear away over time. 

Root Canal Therapy

The American Dental Association suggests visiting your dental office at least twice a year for comprehensive exams and cleanings. If you do this, we will detect decay when it is very small and will not cause internal infections. However, severe tooth decay must be removed completely, or you will lose your entire tooth. That’s when we’d perform a root canal procedure. 

Do You Have Any of These Symptoms?

When a tooth requires a root canal, there are some signs and symptoms to look out for. Take note if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Sharp pains or tooth sensitivity 
  • Consistent throbbing or burning pain in a tooth or other area of your mouth
  • Swelling and tenderness in the surrounding gums
  • A tooth abscess or discoloration
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages

These are all symptoms of tooth decay. When decay is not the issue, you are most likely dealing with an infected tooth. In either case, you may require a root canal. Root canal therapy is required when:

  • Deep cavities pierce the pulp, resulting in bacterial infections of exposed pulp.
  • Internal tooth injuries exist that are not visible on the surface.
  • Cracks, major chips, and other breaks can occur in the tooth structure.

How Root Canal Therapy Works

In the case of cavities, the decayed area is removed and filled with composite material. However, to avoid a dead tooth, the infected tooth structure must be cleared out. When the pulp (the center nerve part of the tooth) becomes infected or is exposed due to injury, patients will undoubtedly require a root canal. Bacteria can enter and destroy the rest of the tooth, and infection can spread to your bloodstream, causing severe illness. That is why you should never ignore tooth pain, says Dr. Kim.

During root canal therapy, Dr. Kim will use dental tools to open up the top of your tooth during your procedure. Dr. Kim will then work meticulously to remove all decayed and infected parts of your tooth. This is the time-consuming part because she has to clean all the way down to the tooth’s roots. If an infection is not removed, the tooth will continue to decay. Our friends at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, a dentist in Colorado Springs, point out that an untreated tooth will eventually die. Small root canal brushes can be used to remove decay from small tooth roots. Then, the entire tooth is then filled with composite material to preserve the tooth’s structure, and the top is sealed off. A root canal removes everything from the tooth except the healthy pulp that remains.

Restorative Dentistry

Root canal therapy is usually the last option dental professionals will consider before extracting a tooth. If you choose a root canal procedure, you can keep a tooth healthy for many years and keep your natural tooth. It is less expensive for you than having a tooth extracted and receiving a dental implant and dental crown. In many cases, a root canal saves your tooth and allows you to heal within a few days. If you are experiencing tooth pain or require a dental exam, please contact Park Hills Family Dentistry.