When to Visit the Dentist

when to visit the dentist Lexington KY

When to Visit the Dentist 

When It’s Time to Visit Your Lexington Dentist

Not sure when you last took a trip to the dentist? It’s advised that every patient visits the dentist every six months. So, if it’s been over six months since your last visit, it’s time to schedule your appointment! There are some other factors that it’s time to visit the dentist. Below, Dr. Jinyoung Kim shares when it’s time to visit your dentist.

Teeth Sensitivity 

Uncomfortable sensation every time you eat or drink hot/cold foods? It’s likely that your teeth are slowly decaying. Plaque on your teeth produces toxic acids that erode your dental enamel and expose the dentin layer beneath. This layer of your tooth is made up of tiny, microscopic tunnels that lead directly to your teeth’s nerve. Because the dentin layer is exposed, hot and cold foods can directly access your nerve, causing severe discomfort. While your dental enamel cannot regrow, it can be repaired by our dentists in Lexington, KY.

Bleeding Gums

Do your gums bleed after brushing or flossing? This can happen when you floss too hard, but if this is regularly happening, you may have gingivitis. This is the first stage of gum disease. It’s important to consult with your local dentist so that you can get treatment right away. If gum disease is left untreated, patients will eventually experience permanent tooth loss. 

You’re Expecting

Pregnancy can affect your teeth in a variety of ways. You may suffer dry mouth, which can make it difficult to speak and swallow due to a lack of saliva. Also, as a result of morning sickness, your dental enamel can erode. Thus it is critical to maintaining a complete dental hygiene practice. If you have any symptoms of gum disease, make an appointment with a Lexington dentist immediately. 

Jaw Pain

If your jaw hurts in the mornings on a frequent basis, it is probable that you are grinding your teeth while sleeping. Our friend Dr. Josh Eastham, a dentist in Grand Junction, CO, says that stress, medication, sleep difficulties, misaligned teeth, and other factors can contribute to teeth grinding. It is vital that you address this right now, as grinding your teeth can lead to stress fractures and TMJ issues in the future.

Trouble Chewing/Swallowing

Did you know that 10% of the population suffers from dry mouth? If your salivary glands do not create enough saliva, it can lead to infections, tooth decay, poor breath, and other problems. Xerostomia, also known as dry mouth, can be caused by a variety of factors, including some drugs. Regardless of the underlying cause, Park Hills Family Dentistry can help you with a solution. 

If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, please contact our dental office in Lexington, KY! Our team is happy to help you get your oral health back on track.

Dental Services for Mission Lexington

Mission Lexington

Mission Lexington  

Mission Lexington 2021

Last month, our Park Hills Family Dentistry team had the honor of celebrating Dr. Kim’s Birthday in a very special way. We had the opportunity to volunteer at Mission Lexington. During this time, we provided dental services to those in need. Our team was so happy to lend a hand. In this article, our dentists in Lexington, KY, share a little about Mission Lexington.

About Mission Lexington

When crises strike, there’s nothing like the compassion from a neighbor’s helping hand. Mission Lexington has been serving the Lexington community since 1978. They help serve individuals and families that are facing a crisis. This organization provides basic human needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, resources, and guidance. They’ve helped nearly 25,000 people in Lexington County just in 2020. With the help of dedicated volunteers and partners, they have been growing exponentially.  

How to Help Mission Lexington

There are so many wonderful ways to make a difference. With Mission Lexington, you can volunteer, donate, or host a drive. They can always use extra hands to serve their community. Mission Lexington takes volunteers of all ages! Your children can join the Summer Enrichment Program. Make serving your Lexington community a family activity! They would love the help. To learn more about becoming a volunteer with Mission Lexington, please visit their website! 

Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry

The Lexington County community means the world to us. We were so happy to help volunteer our dental services to these wonderful people. We’d love to continue helping those in need achieve good oral health. For dental care in Lexington, KY, contact Park Hills Family Dentistry today. We’re always welcoming new patients!

The Basics of Gingivitis


The Basics of Gingivitis 

All The Basics of Gingivitis 

Did you know that most Americans will get gum disease at some point in their lives? In fact, it affects over ¾ of the population. If you’re not familiar with gum disease, gingivitis is one of the first stages of this dental problem. Luckily, it can be easily managed, treated, and even prevented. In this article, Dr. Jinyoung Kim, the best dentist in Lexington, KY, discusses the basics of gingivitis. 

What is Gingivitis? 

Gingivitis develops when plaque accumulates on teeth and creates toxins that irritate the gums. Additionally, many patients are unaware that they have gingivitis at first because the symptoms are so mild. Some symptoms to watch out for include bleeding, puffy, pain, inflamed, or red gums. Gingivitis must be managed so that it does not advance to a more dangerous form of gum disease.

Dr. Kim says that the most effective way to combat gingivitis is to remove plaque from your teeth on a daily basis. Other risk factors for gingivitis include smoking, stress, hormonal fluctuations, poor nutrition, drugs, and chronic conditions. Our friend, Dr. Dave Moghadam, a dentist in Easton, PA, says that women who are expecting or nursing are more at risk for developing gum disease. Therefore, it is important that these patients are adamant about their oral hygiene. 

Gingivitis Treatment and Prevention

Here are some important techniques for preventing gingivitis or gum disease. Furthermore, these daily habits will decrease your chances of developing most dental problems. 

  • Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes using a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Use an antigingivitis mouthwash 
  • Floss every day
  • Visit your dentist in Lexington, KY, for hygiene and periodontal health evaluation

Gingivitis vs. Periodontal Disease

Gingivitis and periodontitis are both stages of gum disease. Out of the four stages, gingivitis is the most common type of gum disease. As mentioned above, those with gingivitis will experience inflamed, puffy, bleeding gums. Gingivitis is reversible, but if not treated by your dentist, it can proceed to periodontitis. During this stage, the patient will experience gum recession as the infection gets worse. Without treatment, the patient will develop advanced periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is irreversible and can lead to tooth loss. If you’re experiencing any symptoms of gum disease, it’s important to contact Park Hills Family Dentistry. Our team will help you get your oral health back on track. Call us today!

What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning

what to expect during a dental cleaning - lexington dentist

What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning 

What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning

Regardless of how meticulous your oral hygiene regimen is, every one needs a professional dental cleaning. These regular dental visits to your dentist in Lexington, KY, will help you avoid dental problems such as gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer. You may be wondering what to expect during a dental cleaning at Park Hills Family Dentistry. Dr. Kim shares more in the blog below.

When Should I Get a Dental Cleaning?

Many patients underestimate the power of professional dental cleanings. Over time, tartar and plaque buildup causes teeth to stain and cavities to develop. When you see us for a professional teeth cleaning, our hygienists will remove the tartar. This can only be done by a professional, which is why many Lexington dentists recommend two dental cleanings per year. Here’s a closer look at what to expect during a dental cleaning with our team.

What Do You Do Before a Dental Cleaning?

A dental cleaning is a simple procedure that requires little preparation. Make sure you’re practicing good oral hygiene on a daily basis. Then, before your visit with Dr. Kim, brush your teeth. Your hygienist can clean more thoroughly, but a simple brush helps remove debris and frees up your time for more thorough cleaning. If you have dental anxiety, this is a good way to reduce the amount of time spent in the chair. Do you have any questions or concerns? Write them down so that you can ask them at your appointment.

Your Dental Cleaning

After checking in at the front desk with one of our team members, your hygienist will walk you to one of the rooms. The hygienist will give you an apron or bib to wear to protect your clothes from stains. One of the first things they do is look at your gum lines. You will be asked a few questions about any problems or sensitive areas. Next, your hygienist will start your cleaning. At this time, x-rays will be taken if necessary. You won’t have to leave the room if your dentist has a handheld x-ray device from Digital Doc. 

For the first part of your cleaning, your hygienist will gently scrape tartar and plaque off your teeth. If you have a lot built-up, then this part will take longer than the polishing. Then, each tooth will be polished, followed by flossing. This can also eliminate surface stains, allowing your smile to shine brighter. If you are ever dissatisfied with the color of your teeth, you should inquire about teeth whitening.

The Assessment

Once your cleaning portion is complete, Dr. Kim will come in for a full-mouth evaluation. Dentists used to only use a metal probe and an angled mirror, but now we use a variety of tools. The target is the same: to detect any signs of tooth decay. Your dentist will examine your gums for problems such as deep pockets, redness, and inflammation. 

Your dental professional will also examine your upper and lower jaw for signs of temporomandibular joint disorder. She will examine the soft tissues in your mouth, palate, lymph glands, and neck for signs of oral cancer. During this time, Dr. Kim will address any concerns she may have. This is also the time for patients to address any questions or concerns they have. 

Dental Anxiety

Dental cleanings are quick and easy! They’re an important part of maintaining a happy and healthy smile. Understanding what teeth cleaning entails may alleviate any concern you may have about scheduling your next appointment. However, if you are still nervous, ask about our sedation dentistry options. Sedation dentistry is also known as sleep dentistry, but it does not put you to sleep. Instead, you are awake and aware of all that is going on around you. You can hear and respond to questions and instructions as well. However, it makes you feel less anxious and worried about the treatment.

Sedation dentistry may also help with other issues that can make a dental visit uncomfortable. It can make sitting in the dental chair more relaxed. Please contact Park Hills Family Dentistry if you’re in need of a dental cleaning or other dental services in Lexington, KY

Need a New Family Dentist?

need a new family dentist Lexington KY

Need a New Family Dentist? 

Need a New Family Dentist?

Although maintaining a beautifully aesthetic smile is a goal for many patients, good oral health should be just as important. Good oral health requires consistent oral hygiene and professional care. Are you in need of a new family dentist in Lexington, KY? In the article below, Dr. Jinyoung Kim shares what to look for when choosing a new family dentist.

What characteristics distinguish the best family dentist, and is there a good family dentist near me? Fortunately, Dr. Kim understands what to look for. Several factors to consider when selecting a family dentist are listed below. To schedule your initial assessment, please contact our dental office in Lexington, KY.

Dental Services

One factor that patients don’t always look for when choosing a new family dentist is the dental services provided. You’ll want to find a Lexington, KY dentist that offers comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages. You can find this out before booking an appointment with the dentist. Just go online and look at their website, reviews, or give them a call. This will help you eliminate the hassle of finding a new dentist who is either out of network with your insurance provider or doesn’t offer the services you need.


When searching for a “family dentist near me,” you’ll want to find someone who is not only nearby but available during the times you need them. For example, if you work a Monday – Friday job 9-5 job and the dental office is only open during those hours, then you should consider finding a different dentist. There are plenty of other dentists who offer flexible hours, say our friends. At Park Hills Family Dentistry, we want your trip to our dental office to be easy and convenient for all patients. 

Modern Dentistry 

The best family dentist is always willing to invest in cutting-edge technology and equipment. These tools are critical for identifying underlying dental issues and developing an effective treatment plan for the future. If you want to learn more about our advanced dental technology, visit our website or schedule an appointment today!

Emergency Dentistry 

Dental emergencies happen when you least expect them, which is why you need a dental office you can rely on. If there ever comes a time where you experience a chipped tooth, broken tooth, or are in extreme dental pain, contact Park Hills Family Dentistry for emergency dentistry services. Our team will do everything we can to get you out of pain.

Contact a Family Dentist Near Me

Park Hills Family Dentistry is happy to provide comprehensive dental services to the residents of Lexington, KY. If you’re in the market for a new family dentist, look no further! Contact our dental office today for general dentistryrestorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and more. 

The Importance of Visiting Your Lexington KY Dentist

visiting your dentist in Lexington KY

Visiting Your Lexington KY Dentist  

The Importance of Visiting Your Lexington KY Dentist 

Regular dental cleaning is an integral part of good oral hygiene. Besides keeping your teeth and gums at their best, routine dental cleaning helps your dentist prevent potential dental problems. At Park Hills Family Dentistry, we recommend visiting our dental office every six months. In this article, we share the importance of visiting your Lexington, KY dentist annually. 

Why Dental Treatments Are Important 

A happy and healthy smile requires both good habits and professional care. Here’s why it’s necessary to make professional dental cleanings a priority.

Prevent Cavities & Tooth Decay

One of the most obvious reasons why people visit the dentist frequently for check-ups and cleaning is to prevent cavities. Professional cleanings are much more cost-effective than getting fillings or root canal therapy. If you have a fear of getting invasive dental treatment, then we recommend staying on top of general dentistry

Prevent Tooth Loss

Gum disease is one of the most common dental problems to-date. When plaque builds on your teeth, gum disease will eventually develop. As it progresses, you may get a tooth infection, then a dead tooth, and then be faced with permanent tooth loss. Teeth are meant to last a lifetime if you take good care of them. Once your teeth begin to fall out, you’ll need to undergo restorative dentistry. Dental cleanings dramatically decrease the risk of gum disease or periodontal disease.

Save Your Money

Most of the time, dental insurance policies have minimal to no co-pays for dental hygiene and examinations. Therefore, you can visit your dentist in Lexington, KY, without having to pay a huge fee. Our friend Dr. Josh, a dentist in Grand Junction, CO, points out that other dental services such as cosmetic dentistry are likely not covered by your dental insurance. So taking care of your teeth will help prevent the need for expensive treatments like porcelain veneers.

Brighten Your Smile

Your smiles are typically one of the first things someone will notice about you. So, if you don’t make oral health a priority, everyone else will definitely notice. A healthy smile is bright and white without plaque and tartar. Achieving a brighter smile is achievable with proper oral hygiene and professional help.  

Improve Your General Health

It’s commonly known that our oral health and overall health are linked. Furthermore, dental problems such as gum disease are found in other diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and more. Tooth infections are also a result of poor oral health. Routine dental check-ups and cleanings will help you prevent serious dental problems in the future. If you have questions regarding your oral health, contact Park Hills Family Dentistry today. 


Kids’ Oral Health Tips

Kids oral health tips

Kids' Oral Health Tips 

Kids’ Oral Health Tips

As a parent, you most likely have your child’s wellness in their best interest. One thing that many family dentists in Lexington, KY stress are happy and healthy smiles. It can be a major struggle to get your child to take good care of their teeth, but we have just what you need. Below, Dr. Kim shares a few kids oral health tips you can implement just in time for National Children’s Oral Health Month

Brush Twice a Day

It may be an obvious oral health tip, but you’d be surprised how many people forget to brush their teeth twice a day. If your child isn’t brushing their teeth twice a day, help them develop a routine before gum disease emerges. Kids will typically start brushing on their own around six years old. By then, you’ll just need to check their teeth. 

Replace Your Toothbrush Annually 

A good toothbrush is a secret to good oral health. You want to choose a soft bristle brush that won’t damage their gums. You’ll need to replace toothbrushes every three months or when the bristles begin to fray. Bacteria will start to build up, and frayed bristles aren’t effective. If your little one is feeling unmotivated about brushing their teeth for two whole minutes, try purchasing a toothbrush that plays music or has their favorite toy character on it.

Floss Daily 

Too many people would rather skip flossing, but many dentists like Dr. Neda, a family dentist in Georgetown, KY, says it’s more important than brushing. Dr. Kim recommends flossing at night so that you can catch any extra food debris in your teeth. Pro tip: get a floss pick to save time!

Visit Your Family Dentist in Lexington, KY

You and your child should visit your family dentist every six months for regular cleaning and check-up. Following a good oral hygiene routine is only half of what is needed for good oral health. During these visits, Dr. Kim will take x-rays and examine your kid’s mouth for cavities or other dental problems arising. Preventative dentistry visits are absolutely necessary.

Avoid Sugary Drinks

There is a lot of sugar in juices and soda. Look at the nutrition facts next time you have your hands on one of these drinks. It’s okay to have sugary drinks on occasion, but everyday consumption will negatively affect your child’s teeth and health – aka cavities. Cavities tend to thrive off sugar, which is why we recommend hydrating with water often!

Discourage Tobacco Products

It’s never too soon to talk to your children about the harms of tobacco products. Cigarettes, nicotine, chew, and vape pens have become very popular. Talk to your kids early on about the effects and why they need to just say no. Using nicotine raises the risk of contracting gum disease and cancer of the mouth, and it can color your teeth in an unsightly yellow or brown way. Avoiding nicotine is not only a healthy oral health tip. It’s also a good life tip.

Now that you’ve picked up some kids’ oral health tips for Children’s Oral Health Month, you can take charge of your family’s oral health! If you need dental services in Lexington, KY, or have any questions, please contact Park Hills Family Dentistry! 

How to Find a Family Dentist Near Me

how to find a family dentist near me

How to Find a Family Dentist Near Me

How to Find a Family Dentist Near Me

Choosing a family dentist in Lexington, KY, takes a lot more thought than making appointments for yourself. You have to think about the dental services offered, the skills of the dentist, the environment, and reputation. Weighing the pros and cons with your whole family can be difficult. If you’re searching for a dentist in Lexington, KY, look no further. Park Hills Family Dentistry is here to help you and your family. Dr. Jin Young Kim shares How to find a Family Dentist Near Me below. 

Choosing a Family Dentist

While everybody has a different idea of what they want from a dentist, we’ve put together the must-haves for your new family dentist in Lexington, KY. 

Where to Search for Your New Dentist

Although this might not sound like a ground-breaking concept, online forums and company feedback are excellent places to get a deeper understanding of dentist practice. 

Patient testimonials are unbiased perspectives of real experiences. Plus, most of them not afraid to speak their minds. When searching for a family dentist near me, look at Google My Business, Yelp, Facebook, and even Instagram! 

Ask a Friend or Family Member

Research shows that 84% of customers depend on relatives, colleagues, and friends’ reviews for goods and services. Start by asking people you trust to see if the Lexington, KY dental office has a strong reputation for providing exceptional dental services for the whole family. When you listen to the advice of family and friends, pay attention to those giving similar or identical advice and comments.

Blogs, Newspapers, Magazines & More

Do you know the magazines sometimes found on the dentist or doctor’s tables? They generally contain at least a number of health and dentistry publications. If you’re searching for a dentist in Lexington, KY, try looking in the newspaper, magazines, or online. Most of the time, these dental offices have new patient offers and specials. You can also try looking in publications, health literacy magazines, or searching on the American Dental Association Journal for local listings. Dental blogs are another great resource for dental tips and tricks. Patients often leave comments on blogs, and you can see what the dentists are up to at their dental practice. 

What Qualities Should I look For In a Family Dentist?

When you meet a prospective family dentist, how do you know if they’re the right one? What are the red flags here? Dr. Kim recommends asking your family dentist in Lexington, KY, the following questions. 

Do You Accept Emergency Appointments?

Finding a family dentist who accepts emergency appointments is crucial. Accidents happen, and sometimes seeing a dentist can’t wait. Whether it’s a broken tooth or an emergency wisdom tooth removal, you’ll need to be able to rely on your dentist to be there in the time of need. If you ever need an emergency dentist in Lexington, KY, you can count on Park Hills Family Dentistry.

Where Are You Located? 

Check out family dental offices in your area or around your children’s school. It makes more sense to find a dental office that is in or around your general area. 

If you can find a local family dental office that offers outstanding care and is on one of your main roads, it’s a big bonus. Swinging in on the way home from work or going to school after you pick up the kids will be perfect.

Do You Work Well With Children?

It’s pretty easy to see if a dental office is kid-friendly, whether or not they completely appeal to children. We’re not only talking about pediatric dentistry, we’re talking about a real understanding of how to stem the concerns children might have for the dentist.

Are there toys, games, and coloring books in the waiting room? You may want to stop to see how receptionists and dentists deal with children before you book an appointment. 

Do You Use Advanced Dental Technology?

Dr. Our friends at Digital Doc, the #1 maker of intraoral cameras for dentists, also recommend finding a family dentist who uses advanced technology. This suggests that the office is staying up to date with modern practices and techniques, which is necessary if you want the best dental care available. 

Finding a Family Dentist in Lexington, KY

Having one dentist, you can bring your family to makes routine checkups and cleanings so much easier. You and your family’s oral health is very important to us. At Park Hills Family Dentistry, your comfort and peace of mind are our top priority. If you are looking for quality dental care in Lexington, KY, please contact Park Hills Family Dentistry.