Understanding Lumineers

Understanding Lumineers

Understanding Lumineers 

Understanding Lumineers

Are you dreading having Invisalign or veneers put on your teeth? Clinical grade Lumineers may be just what you’ve been looking for. Lumineers are wafer-thin, custom-designed shells that fit over your existing teeth. This means no painful drilling to prepare the tooth and no occasional discomfort associated with clear aligners of conventional dental procedures. Not only does this make them a convenient painless treatment option but they can also provide amazing cosmetic results in a fraction of the time of people seeking braces! At Park Hills Family Dentistry in Lexington, KY we have seen firsthand how these incredible treatments can give our patients newfound confidence and glowing smiles – all at a surprisingly affordable price point! Keep reading to get professional dental advice about understanding lumineers and how they could brighten up your smile today!

What are Lumineers and how do they work to improve your smile

Lumineers are a type of ultra-thin veneers that are used to improve the appearance of teeth. Unlike traditional veneers, Lumineers are made from a special type of porcelain that is incredibly strong and durable yet also very thin. This makes them a popular choice for those who are looking to improve the appearance of their smile without having to undergo extensive dental work. Lumineers are also minimally invasive, meaning that they are placed over the existing teeth without the need for drilling or removal of any tooth structure. With Lumineers, individuals can achieve a beautiful smile in just a few visits to the dentist, making it a convenient and efficient solution for those looking to enhance their oral appearance.

Advantages of Lumineers Over Traditional Veneers

Lumineers are quickly becoming a popular choice for those looking to enhance their smile. Compared to traditional veneers, Lumineers offer many advantages that make them a more attractive option for many individuals. One of the advantages of Lumineers is their durability. These ultra-thin veneers are made from patented Cerinate porcelain which is known for its strength and longevity. Additionally, Lumineers require minimal preparation of the natural tooth, allowing for a quick and painless application process. This gentle and non-invasive method is a great choice for those who want to avoid extensive dental procedures. Furthermore, Lumineers are highly customizable in shape and color, which allows for a perfect match to the rest of your teeth. Overall, Lumineers offer a variety of benefits that make them a great choice for obtaining a beautiful, long-lasting smile.

How Much Do Lumineers Cost and Are They a Good Investment

Lumineers are a type of thin dental veneers that have been growing in popularity in recent years. Many individuals are attracted to Lumineers because of their natural look and the ability to enhance their smile without significant changes to their natural teeth. While Lumineers can be a good investment for some individuals, it is important to consider their cost and long-term effects. The cost of Lumineers can vary depending on the number of teeth being treated and the location of the dental practice. It is important to consult with a dental professional to determine the best option for your specific needs and budget. Ultimately, investing in Lumineers can provide a significant boost in confidence and self-esteem for those seeking to improve their smile.

Lumineer Procedure – What to Expect During the Process

If you’re considering getting the Lumineer procedure, it’s important to know what to expect during the process. Lumineers are thin, custom-made shells that are applied to the front of your teeth to improve their appearance. First, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth to create personalized Lumineers that fit perfectly. Then, a small amount of enamel will be removed from your teeth to make room for the Lumineer application. After the Lumineers are bonded to your teeth, your dentist will make any necessary adjustments to ensure a perfect fit. The entire process typically takes two to three visits to complete, and the results are a beautiful, natural-looking smile. While the Lumineer procedure may be a bit time-consuming, the end result is well worth the investment.

Maintenance Tips for Keeping Your Smile Looking Bright After Lumineer Treatment

Lumineers are a popular cosmetic treatment that can drastically improve the appearance of your teeth. But like any investment, you want to make sure you’re taking the necessary steps to maintain their pristine appearance. The good news is that Lumineers are relatively low-maintenance compared to other cosmetic dental procedures. However, there are still a few best practices you should implement to ensure your smile remains bright and beautiful for years to come. Regular brushing and flossing are a given, but it’s also important to avoid consuming staining beverages like coffee and red wine. And don’t forget to schedule routine check-ups with your dentist to catch any potential issues early and keep your smile looking its best.

Common Questions About Lumineers – Answering Your Questions and Concerns

Lumineers are an increasingly popular option for those seeking a brighter, more beautiful smile. However, many people have questions about what they are, how they work, and whether they are right for them. If you’ve been considering Lumineers, it’s important to do your research to ensure that you understand everything you need to know before making a decision. Here, we’ll be answering some of the most commonly asked questions about Lumineers – from how they differ from traditional veneers, to how long they last, and more. With this information, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether Lumineers are the right choice for you.

Contact Us Today

As we have seen, Lumineers offer many advantages over traditional veneers and can dramatically improve the appearance of your teeth with minimal upkeep. With no need for scraping away healthy tooth enamel and the added ability to be removed without damaging your teeth, Lumineers are an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their smile while also preserving their natural teeth. If you’re interested in learning more about Lumineers and whether they’re right for you, contact us today at Park Hills Family Dentistry to schedule an appointment. We can explain the procedure in greater detail and provide a comprehensive estimate of costs before you make any commitments. Don’t let heavily stained or chipped teeth stop you from smiling – with Lumineers we can help give you back the confidence that comes with a beautiful set of pearly whites!

What Are Dental Lumineers?

What Are Dental Lumineers?

What Are Dental Lumineers? 

Lumineers And What They Are

We understand that every patient is unique, and we offer a variety of treatment options to meet each individual’s needs. One popular option is Lumineers, which are a type of porcelain veneer. Lumineers are extremely thin, making them much less invasive than traditional veneers. They are also custom-made to fit each patient’s teeth, so they look natural and seamless. In addition, Lumineers can apply in just two visits to our office. We are confident that you will be thrilled with your new smile! 

How They Could Benefit Your Smile 

Lumineers are a type of dental veneer that is popular among people who want to improve their smiles. While traditional veneers require the removal of some natural tooth enamel, Lumineers are much thinner and will apply directly over the existing teeth. Our friends over at Stuart Dentist , the best dentist in Stuart FL, believe that Lumineers are also very strong and durable, and they can last for many years with proper care. In addition to improving the appearance of your smile, Lumineers can also help to protect your teeth from further damage. Because they are so thin, Lumineers allow more light to reach the surface of your teeth, making them more resistant to staining. In addition, Lumineers can help to fill in small gaps between your teeth and prevent further damage to your tooth enamel. If you are considering Lumineers for your smile, be sure to discuss all of the benefits with your dentist in Lexington KY.

The Process For Lumineers 

The length of time it takes to get Lumineers will depend on the best dentist in Lexington KY and the individual case. In most cases, it takes two visits to complete the process. The first visit is usually for a consultation and to take impressions of the teeth. The second visit is when your dentist will apply the Lumineers. The entire process usually takes less than two hours. However, in some cases, more than one set of Lumineers may need to achieve the desired results. In these cases, it may take longer to complete the process. Your dentist will be able to give you a more accurate estimate of how long it will take to get Lumineers based on your individual case.

Contact Us Today!

At Park Hills Family Dentistry, we are proud to offer a wide range of dental services to meet the needs of our patients. Whether you are in need of a routine cleaning or more complex procedures, our experienced team is here to help. We understand that finding a dental office that you can trust can be a challenging process, which is why we offer a free consultation for all new patients. During your consultation, we will take the time to get to know you and your dental history in order to provide the best possible care. To schedule your free consultation, please contact Park Hills Family Dentistry today. We look forward to meeting you!


Lumineers vs. Veneers

lumineers vs. veneers - Dentist in Lexington KY

Lumineers vs. Veneers 

The Difference Between Lumineers vs. Veneers

Cosmetic dentistry has come a long way. In fact, there are so many new advancements, such as same-day dental crowns, that more patients are seeking treatment. One popular treatment we see today is veneers or lumineers. Veneers and lumineers are very similar. They both are made of porcelain material that can fix dental issues such as stains, discoloration, gaps, chipped or cracked teeth. If you’re looking for a perfect smile, consider lumineers of veneers. So, what’s the difference between lumineers vs. veneers? In this article, Dr. Jinyoung Kim, a dentist in Lexington, KY, explains more.

What Is the Difference Between Lumineers and Traditional Veneers?

As we mentioned above, lumineers and veneers are very similar. However, there are some distinct differences between the two cosmetic treatments. Below is the difference between lumineers vs. veneers


Since traditional porcelain veneers are made of thicker material, patients would need to get some of their tooth enamel removed. The tooth is shaved down so that the veneer can be glued to the outer part of the tooth. The end result looks natural and stunning. Lumineers, on the other hand, do not require enamel removal. They fit nice and snug over any size tooth. Additionally, this does not affect the durability or strength of the treatment, explains Dr. Jinyoung Kim. Their translucence seamlessly integrates with the existing tooth to reproduce the desired natural look without the invasive process of enamel removal.


Another disadvantage of traditional veneers is that it is permanent because of the removal of the enamel. Once you undergo treatment, it cannot be reversed. So, if a veneer is damaged in any way or needs to be removed, you will need to replace it. Keep in mind that dental veneers last from 10 to 30 years. Of course, if you need to remove the lumineers, your tooth enamel would still be intact. 


Despite the fact that many patients don’t go to the dentist because it can be uncomfortable, lumineers are virtually pain-free. As previously said, there is no need for tooth reconstruction. Thus there are no needles and no pain, as opposed to standard veneer placement. Our friend Dr. Cody Boals, a dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, says that the thinness of the lumineers provides the patient with no additional sensitivity or discomfort after placement. 

The Similarities of Veneers and Lumineers

Although there are some differences between lumineers vs. veneers, there are many similarities: 

  • Made of porcelain material to create a natural and youthful-looking smile. 
  • Can improve the appearance of your smile
  • Hides any imperfections such as gaps, discoloration, or chips. 
  • Durable
  • Minimal maintenance
  • Similar in price

Are Lumineers for Me?

As you can see, both lumineers and veneers offer great advantages. If you aren’t totally satisfied with your smile, know that veneers or lumineers can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted! Park Hills Family Dentistry would love to help you on your smile journey. Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry to set up your consultation today!

Must-Knows About Lumineers

everything about lumineers Lexington KY

Everything About Lumineers 

Must-Knows About Lumineers

Lumineers are similar to porcelain veneers in the sense that they fix imperfections. Many patients choose lumineers to hide their chipped, misaligned, discolored, or gapped teeth. This type of cosmetic dentistry is non-invasive, and it’s also reversible. In this article, Dr. Kim shares must-knows about lumineers, from what they are, their advantages to the right candidate.

About Lumineers in Lexington, KY

Lumineers are an excellent option for someone who is self-conscious about their smile. These ultra-thin porcelain caps fit perfectly over your teeth, giving them an aesthetically pleasing, clean, and beautiful appearance. These thin, shell-like covers are put over your teeth to conceal cosmetic flaws such as stains, chips, or holes. To build the illusion of a flawless smile, each one is individually bonded to the front of the teeth. Lumineers can help with a number of dental issues, including:

  • Large gaps between your teeth
  • Misaligned Teeth
  • Crooked Teeth
  • Stained Teeth
  • Gums and teeth that are uneven
  • Bridges and crowns that seem unnatural

Lumineer Consultation

When you visit Dr. Kimthe best dentist in Lexington, KY, and her team will access your smile to see if you are ready for lumineers. In order for patients to get lumineers, the underlying teeth, bone, and gums must be in excellent condition. Ask Dr. Kim if you’re a good candidate. If not, we have other solutions that can enhance your smile.  

Bite impressions and X-rays are taken during the initial visit to assess how the teeth are aligned. Your teeth will also be carefully inspected to ensure that there are no signs of tooth decay or gum disease. Dr. Kim will decide on the color of the lumineers as well as the desired degree of transparency. Our friend, Dr. Beth Herko, one of the best cosmetic dentists in New Providence, points out that patients can choose which shade they want. Lumineers have the potential to drastically change your smile!

A Look at New and Improved Smiles

You can now see what your new smile would look like before you get them at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry! Our advanced dental technology allows you to see what your lumineers will look like. It’s easy, free, and only needs a photo of your smile. After our team takes your picture, we will get your lumineers ready for placement!

Lumineer Placement

When it’s time for your lumineers placement, our team will start by bonding the lumineers to your natural teeth. Dr. Kim will polish your lumineers after they are bonded so that they look and feel natural. The final separation is the last step in the placement process. We will make sure that your bite is perfect. When the procedure is completed, you will have a new, bright smile of your dreams.

Benefits of Lumineers

Lumineers have several benefits over conventional veneer treatments. The most significant benefit for patients who have a fear of the dentist is that this treatment is non-invasive. You won’t feel a thing!

Lumineers have the following distinct advantages:

  • They have a lifespan of more than 20 years.
  • No need for harsh drilling.
  • There is no need for needles.
  • There was no pain or discomfort during care.
  • Completed in two dental visits.
  • Potential for a whole new smile.
  • Stain and discoloration resistant.
  • Materials with the thickness of a contact lens.
  • The treatment is completely reversible.

Now that you’ve read the must-knows about lumineers, you can decide if they’re for you. If lumineers are something that you’re interested in, contact Park Hills Dentistry for a consultation! Our team will discuss what your new smile could look like. We’re happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. 

Cosmetic Dentistry Options

cosmetic dentistry options - Lexington KY

Cosmetic Dentistry Options  

Cosmetic Dentistry Options

There are so many wonderful cosmetic dentistry options to choose from when you visit Park Hills Family Dentistry. Our team can help transform almost any smile into their dream smile. However, not every treatment is for everyone. Some have more requirements than others. Read the article below to learn more about cosmetic dentistry options.

Teeth Whitening

Also known as “teeth bleaching,” this procedure can brighten and whiten your teeth to remove discoloration and/or staining. It can be done in the dental office or at home. It’s important to see your dentist in Lexington, KY, for a consultation before undergoing any treatment. Otherwise, you risk damaging your enamel. You can achieve up to 10 shades whiter when you choose professional teeth whitening. 


Lumineers are made of porcelain or composite material that covers your natural teeth. They are an alternative to dental veneers and are custom-made and cemented to the front side of the tooth. A lumineer can be used to treat dental conditions such as a slightly crooked tooth, discolored teeth, chipped teeth, or even gaps between the teeth. Our friend, Dr. Moghadam, a cosmetic dentist in Easton, PA, agrees that lumineers can truly enhance your smile by giving you new and improved confidence.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a metal device used to replace missing teeth. The device is typically made of titanium and is surgically implanted into the jawbone where the tooth is missing. A dental implant is designed to act as the tooth root and can support artificial teeth such as a crown, bridge, or denture. Dental implants aren’t for everyone. Patients need substantial jaw bone density to secure the dental implant. Ask Dr. Kim if dental implants are an option for you.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns, also known as caps, are custom-made to fit over your entire tooth. They are typically made of acrylic or porcelain that has been fused to metal to withstand biting pressure. Crowns can be used in cosmetic dentistry to treat teeth that are poorly shaped, badly decayed, broken, chipped, or have had large fillings, as well as to cover gaps between teeth. This treatment is an affordable way to improve your smile. 

Clear Aligners

A beautiful, cohesive smile is something many of us aim to achieve. If you have misaligned teeth, consider getting clear aligners. With Clear Aligners, you can straighten your teeth in a more discrete way. Yes, you won’t have to deal with metal wires or brackets. Clear aligners offer so many amazing benefits. Ask Dr. Kim if this orthodontic treatment is for you. 

As you can see, there are so many wonderful cosmetic dentistry options to choose from. Decide which treatment is best for you and your smile goals. Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry today for a consultation with Dr. Kim and her team!