New Year, New Smile

new year new smile

New Year, New Smile 

New Year, New Smile

As we start off 2021, try to picture what this year will bring you. Whether that be a new job, a healthier lifestyle, or your dream car. One thing your dentist in Lexington, KY, urges you to incorporate this new year is new smile goals. But how? In the article below, Dr. Kim shares how you can start the New Year with a new smile. 

Back to the Dental Basics

  1. If you’ve been slacking in your daily dental care, there are a few ways you can make up for it. First, get an electric toothbrush. This makes brushing your teeth for two minutes twice a day so much easier. You can even buy four heads to use this year, planning to change them every three months.
  2. Haven’t flossed in a while? Our dental office loves using floss picks. You can use them at home, at work, and even in your car. Your floss is ready to go when you are.  
  3. Make sure you brush and floss in the morning when you wake up, and in the evening before you sleep, and use an alcohol-free, FDA approved mouth rinse. This will help eliminate bacteria and bad breath. 
  4. Don’t forget to schedule two cleaning appointments during the month of January. Our friends at College Hill Dental Group, a dental office in Easton, PA, points out that appointments fill up, and if you set them now, you won’t have to think about them again. Park Hills Family Dentistry will send you appointment reminders, so you don’t forget.  

Bright & Beautiful Smile

One way to boost your confidence and enhance the look of your smile is through professional whitening treatments. Contact our dental office in Lexington, KY, about our whitening procedure. Everyone loves a bright, pearly smile.

Achieve a whiter smile in just a few hours! Patients can go up to a few shades whiter with professional teeth whitening. If you prefer whitening your teeth in the comfort of your house, we will give you custom-made trays and teeth whitening gel to take with you. Ask our office for a teeth whitening consultation.

Straighten Your Smile

If you’re looking for orthodontic care for yourself or your kids, Park Hills Family Dentistry offers clear aligners in Lexington, KY. We can treat misaligned teeth, bite defects, overcrowded teeth, and more. The best part about Invisalign is that no one will notice you’re wearing them! Invisalign is a lot more comfortable than traditional braces, and they work to straighten your teeth faster. 

Veneers, Dentures, & Dental Implants

There’s nothing like a chipped, broken, or cracked teeth to make you want to hide your smile. Luckily you don’t have to go through life with missing or broken teeth. Dental veneers, dentures, and dental implants are popular restorative dental treatments that we offer right here in our Lexington, KY dental office. Restore the function and look of your smile today! Schedule a consultation with Dr. Kim today. 

Visit Park Hills Family Dentistry

Regardless of your smile journey, make 2021 your year. Park Hills Family Dentistry offers a wide variety of dental services in the Lexington, KY area, and beyond. Contact our dental office today to schedule a consultation. Our team will work with you to achieve the smile of your dreams.