Questions to Ask Your Lexington KY Dentist

Questions to Ask Your Lexington KY Dentist

Questions to Ask Your Lexington KY Dentist 

Questions to Ask Your Lexington KY Dentist

Are you making the most of your time with your Lexington KY dentist? Inquiring about your oral health is an excellent approach to begin taking a more active part in it. Today on the blog, our dentist in Lexington KY shares important questions we always hope people ask during their dental checkups.

1. What steps can I take to enhance my oral health?

During your teeth cleaning Lexington KY, your dentist will search for and discuss areas of potential future concern, as well as any existing problems. Take note of this information and use it as a springboard to ask follow-up questions.

Request a summary of your general oral health, how you may better manage your daily care, and any other areas where you can improve from your dentist.

2. Is there anything else I should talk about with my family doctor?

We frequently remind our patients that their mouth is a window into their entire health. This is due to the fact that a variety of whole-body health conditions begin with symptoms in the mouth. Certain changes in your mouth, for example, can be an indication of illnesses such as:

  • Vitamin deficits in diabetes
  • Osteoporosis

Furthermore, Bookcliff Family Dental, Grand Junction dentist,  shows that common dental disorders such as gum disease can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other concerns such as preterm delivery.

During your visit to the dentist, ask whether you have any dental issues that you should share with your primary care physician. Find out whether your dentist need any information from your doctor as well. For example, inform your dentist if you have just begun taking medication, as this may result in dental issues (like dry mouth).

3. What are the symptoms of gum disease?

Periodontal disease, often known as gum disease, affects one out of every two American adults aged 30 and over. Gum disease, if left untreated, can lead to serious infection and tooth loss. It’s also linked to a number of chronic conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.

Gum disease is not something to overlook, yet the vast majority of folks who have it haven’t been identified or aren’t actively seeking treatment.

During your routine dental checkup, your dentist will search for indications of gum disease and estimate your risk of getting gum disease in the future. Knowing your risk level and how to spot these warning signals is also essential. Inquire with your dentist about what to look out for and what preventive measures you may take to keep this hazardous condition at bay.

4. Which meals are excellent (and which are bad) for my teeth?

Did you realize that the foods you consume have an impact on more than just your overall health? They also contribute to the health of your teeth and gums!

A diet high in protein, leafy greens, and whole fruit is generally beneficial to your mouth. Sugary, sticky, and acidic meals, on the other hand, can promote cavities and should be avoided. Coffee, tea, and alcohol can also discolor your teeth.

Consult your dentist if you are concerned about how your dietary habits are harming your teeth. You and your dentist can talk about what foods are causing problems with your oral health.

Remember that over-the-counter tooth whitening products might do more damage than benefit. Many will cause dental discomfort and damage to your teeth’s roots. Your dentist might recommend a professional teeth whitening procedure to help you attain a confident smile.

5. Will you perform an oral cancer screening?

Oral cancer may be fatal, therefore it’s critical to get examined on a regular basis. Traditional oral cancer screenings were performed with the naked eye; however, contemporary dental technology now allows dentists to take a more effective approach.

7. Can you assist me in overcoming my dental fear?

You’re not alone if you get worried before going to the dentist. An estimated 60% of the population is afraid of going to the dentist. It’s fine to be worried as long as you don’t allow it prevent you from caring for your mouth.

We offer tons of sedation dentistry options for those who are feeling scared or anxious.

Trust Park Hills Family Dentistry with all of your dental needs. Dr. Kim will ensure that you’re happy with your new and improved smile. Contact our dental office in Lexington, KY, for appointments.