Use Your Benefits Before The End Of The Year

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Use Your Benefits Before The End Of The Year 

Use Your Benefits Before The End Of The Year

If you have dental insurance, now is the time to use it! Most dental benefits plans run on a calendar year, which means that any unused benefits will expire on December 31st. So if you’ve been putting off that cleaning or those much-needed fillings, now is the time to schedule an appointment. Here at Park Hill Family Dentistry, we are happy to work with patients to maximize their dental benefits and get the treatment they need before the end of the year.

What Are Dental Benefits?

Dental benefits are similar to health insurance, but they are specific to dental care. Many employers offer dental benefits as part of their employee benefits package. If you have dental benefits, your employer has likely contracted with a dental insurance company to provide you with coverage. Your employer may cover some or all of the cost of your premiums, and in return, you will be able to receive discounts on certain dental procedures.

Dental benefits usually come in the form of an annual maximum. This is the most that your dental insurance company will pay out for your dental care in a given year. Once you reach your annual maximum, you will be responsible for paying 100% of the cost of any additional dental treatment. That’s why it’s so important to use your benefits before the end of the year—if you don’t use them, you lose them!

How Can I Use My Dental Benefits?

There are two ways to use your dental benefits: by getting preventive care or by getting restorative care.

Preventive care includes regular cleanings and exams, as well as X-rays. This type of care is important because it helps catch problems early when they are typically much easier and less expensive to treat. Most dental insurance plans will cover preventive care at 100%. That means that if your preventive care costs $100, your insurance company will pay $100 and you will only be responsible for any co-pays or deductibles that may apply.

Restorative care includes necessary treatments like fillings, crowns, and extractions. These procedures are generally more expensive than preventive care because they require more time and materials. However, most dental insurance plans will still cover a portion of the cost of restorative care. For example, if a filling costs $200 and your plan covers 80%, then your insurance company will pay $160 and you will be responsible for paying the remaining $40.

Contact Us Today To Schedule An Appointment

Don’t let your hard-earned dental benefits go to waste! If you need treatment, now is the time to schedule an appointment with Park Hills Family Dentistry. We can help you get the most out of your insurance plan and ensure that you get the high-quality care you deserve before your benefits expire at the end of the year. Contact us today to learn more!

What Is The Cause To Bad Breath?

Lexington KY Dentist

What Is The Cause To Bad Breath? 

Bad Breath: Causes and Solutions

You brush your teeth twice a day, floss every day, use mouthwash, and yet you still have bad breath. halitosis. Millions of Americans suffer from bad breath, or halitosis, and don’t know the cause or how to get rid of it. If you’re struggling with halitosis, our dental professionals at Park Hills Family Dentistry can help identify the cause and give you solutions to get rid of your bad breath for good.

Common Causes of Bad Breath

There are many reasons why you may have bad breath. The most common causes are:

Poor Oral Hygiene

This is the most common cause of bad breath. Not brushing your teeth or flossing can leave plaque and bacteria in your mouth that cause your breath to smell.


Smoking tobacco products not only stains your teeth, it also dries out your mouth and irritates your gums which can lead to bad breath.


What you eat can also affect your breath. Foods like onions and garlic can cause bad breath that lingers even after you brush your teeth.

Dry Mouth

A dry mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva which leaves bacteria unchecked and causes bad breath.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is an infection of the gums that can cause bad breath.

Certain Medical Conditions

Some medical conditions like diabetes, liver failure, acid reflux, respiratory infections, and kidney failure can also cause bad breath.
Bad Breath Solutions


Park Hills Family Dentistry offers many solutions for patients with bad breath including:


Tongue Scrapers

Tongue scrapers are easy to use and very effective in reducing tongue bacteria which is often the cause of morning breath or “dragon” breath.

Mouth Rinses

There are many over-the-counter options available as well as prescription mouth rinses that our dental professionals in Lexington KY can recommend specifically to your needs. Be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle for the best results.

Brushing And Flossing

The old stand-bys of brushing and flossing are still the best way to reduce plaque and bacteria in your mouth that causes bad breath. Our Lexington KY Dentists can show you proper brushing techniques specific for your needs.

Regular Dental Cleaning

Regular professional dental cleanings in Lexington KY help remove plaque buildup that at-home brushing and flossing cannot reach as well as evaluate for any other underlying conditions that may be causing bad breath. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry Today

Don’t let bad breath ruin your confidence or relationships—our team at Park Hills Family Dentistry is here to help you find a solution that works for you! Schedule an appointment today to get started on fresh, long-lasting kisses goodbye!