How Your Dentist Can Help With Snoring

sleep apnea lexington KY

How Your Dentist Can Help With Snoring 

How Your Dentist Can Help with Snoring

Snoring can be annoying to anyone who is trying to sleep near you. It could also be a symptom of a dangerous condition called obstructive sleep apnea. If you think you may suffer from sleep apnea, consult your Lexington KY dentist, and see how your dentist can help with snoring.

Snoring can be Debilitating

If you have sleep apnea, your throat and tongue will collapse on the back of your throat, blocking your airway, and stopping you from breathing. This will cause you to frequently wake up in the middle of the night due to breathing trouble. When left untreated, sleep apnea can cause excessive daytime fatigue, headache and memory loss.

Risk of Serious Health Problems 

Untreated sleep apnea raises your risk of more serious health problems, including:

  • High blood pressure, high blood pressure
  • Illness of the heart
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic acid reflux
  • Erectile Disorder

Sleep apnea is not a condition that should go untreated explains sleep dentist Parker CO, Dr. Christopher Green. A lot of people who snore don’t have obstructive sleep apnea, but getting tested is the only way to be safe. 

Snoring or Sleep Apnea 

Our Lexington KY dentist can tell if you have obstructive sleep apnea or simple snoring by taking a sleep study. Regardless of the results, Dr. Jinyoung Kim can treat both sleep apnea or snoring with our Silent Nite snore prevention device approved by the American Dental Association.

Sleep-disordered breathing can occur at different levels of severity and can affect your sleep and health to varying degrees. Whether you need to treat sleep apnea or simply relieve snoring, it’s very likely that we can help.

The Silent Nite appliance is worn in the mouth only while you sleep and fits like a sports mouthguard or an orthodontic bracket. It supports the lower jaw into a forward position by means of special connectors that are attached to transparent flexible upper & lower forms. The fit is excellent and comfortable.

Quality of Life 

The experience of having a restful sleep can be life-changing. We also hear from a lot of grateful partners!

At Parks Hills Family Dentistry, we specialize in the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea. We provide our Lexington KY patients with state-of-the-art sleeping appliances. If you’re having trouble sleeping, contact us today!