The Benefits of Clear Aligners

The Benefits of Clear Aligners

The Benefits of Clear Aligners  

Are You Considering Clear Aligners?

If you have crowded or crooked teeth and don’t want to wear wires and braces, clear aligners may be for you. These appliances are comfy and inconspicuous. Invisalign® aligners are designed to form uneven gapped teeth and straighten crooked teeth. Find The Benefits of Clear Aligners below and learn more.


Clear Aligners Are Growing In Popularity With Teens

Clear aligners like Invisalign® and ClearCorrect® have this noticeable characteristic. These invisible gadgets replace brackets and metal wires on the teeth. According to studies, teens and youngsters spend a lot of time attempting to fit in. However, most kids with metal braces feel that they can’t entirely blend in. This can lead to issues like despair, anxiety, and a loss of confidence. Compared to kids with metal braces, teens using transparent aligners have stronger self-esteem and are more eager to smile.

A grin informs others that you are accessible, nice, and trustworthy. Clear aligners will give you the courage to smile at work. Unlike traditional braces, which restrict your diet to items that are not hard, chewy, or brittle, transparent aligners may be removed and stored in a case while eating.

Reduced Risk of Jaw Injuries With Correct Teeth Alignment

Misaligned teeth can harm your dental and general health. Skewed teeth might grind together, causing enamel damage. Misaligned teeth can cause speech issues and headaches. With Invisalign® aligners, you can correct present tooth disorders and prevent future ones.

Dental Hygiene Is Easier With Clear Aligners Than Braces

Removable transparent aligners allow you to fully clean your gums, teeth, and other dental elements. In addition, removable aligners may be cleaned independently, eliminating the need to brush around wires and brackets.

You Avoid Metal Braces Pitfalls

Metal braces have several drawbacks that transparent aligners do not. Traditional metal brace wearers experience challenges such as:

Many people with metal braces get abrasion-type injuries to the inside of the mouth from broken brackets and wires poking loose. Clear aligners eliminate this issue by removing brackets and wires.

Forget About Flossing Issues With Clear Aligners

It’s no secret that flossing teeth with metal brackets and wires is difficult, leading to frustrated young patients giving up on flossing entirely (which leads to a whole host of other tooth decay-related problems). On the other hand, clear aligners are removed for teeth cleaning, removing this issue.

Reduce The Risk Of Tooth Discoloration

In some instances, wearing metal braces for long might cause white spot lesions. In addition, the brackets can discolor, causing an unsightly mismatch on the teeth. This type of discoloration does not react well to typical whitening treatments. (With traditional braces, you may help prevent this issue by cleaning and flossing regularly between the brackets, avoiding sugary meals, and eating a clean, nutritious diet.
Our friends at Bookcliff Family Dental, a Dentist in Grand Junction CO, talk about how there are no brackets attached to your teeth to create discoloration, unlike metal braces. Patients using Invisalign® follow a computerized treatment plan. So they know what to expect and how long the procedure will take. Metal braces have a looser treatment plan and a more unpredictable outcome.

Reduced Treatment Time

Compared to metal braces, transparent aligners can cut treatment time in half. In addition, clear aligners often fix alignment issues in up to a year, whereas traditional metal braces can take up to two years to treat. Only your dentist in Lexington KY can correctly advise and estimate treatment time depending on your specific alignment difficulties.

However, there are certain disadvantages to clear aligner therapy. Clear aligners are not suitable for everyone; conventional braces are the best solution if your teeth need to be progressively moved lower or higher to better align with the rest of your mouth. Also, transparent aligners rely on patient participation 100%. To achieve effective alignment on the treatment regimen recommended for you, your clear aligners must be worn for at least 22 hours every day. Except for eating and brushing, you may easily maintain control of your progress by leaving them in. If you can’t resist pulling them out, maybe regular metal braces are preferable for you.

As your trusted Dentist in Lexington KY, we treat patients using clear aligners and metal braces. And if you qualify for Fastbraces, your treatment time might be nearly halved! So make an appointment now to enhance your smile!