Tooth Extraction Recovery Tips


Tooth Extraction Recovery 

What to Expect for Tooth Extraction Recovery

Having a general idea of what to expect helps alleviate a lot of the worry that might accompany post-operative care. Below is what you can expect post tooth extraction.


Pain and swelling around your eyes, cheekbones, and jaw are common the day following surgery. Dr. Kim recommends applying an ice pack every twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, then remove the ice pack for twenty minutes. Keep this on rotation for a few days, several times a day. Our friend Dr. Chris Green, a dentist in Parker, CO, says that after 48 hours, ice therapy is no longer helpful. Therefore, you should transition to utilizing a heat pack to alleviate pain and swelling instead.


You should also expect some bleeding during the first few hours after having your wisdom teeth removed. Beginning 2 to 3 hours after your procedure, change the gauze at the surgery site every 30-60 minutes to help control bleeding. Biting down firmly on the gauze will also assist in limiting bleeding as well. Continue with this treatment until the bleeding has stopped completely. It is recommended that you contact Park Hills Family Dental team for treatment guidelines if the bleeding does not stop or worsens.

Tooth Extraction Recovery Tips: Dos

In most cases, it will take between two and four weeks for the socket (surgical site) to recover completely. Here are some crucial things you may do to aid in the progression of this process:

Keep Your Mouth Clean

It is acceptable to properly brush your teeth the night before your surgery. Dr. Kim says you should wait until the following day to rinse your mouth. From then on, gently rinse your mouth with a cup (8oz) of warm water combined with a teaspoon of salt at least 5 to 6 times a day, especially after meals, using this method.

Follow Your Doctor’s Recommendations

Follow your instructions recommended by your dentist in Lexington, KY, for taking any pain relievers prescribed to you to control discomfort and keep you comfortable. Also, if your dentist has recommended antibiotics, make sure to follow the instructions for taking them exactly as advised.


It is critical to avoid any physical exertion for the first 24 hours following wisdom teeth extraction. Maintain a comfortable pillow position for resting your head and avoid sleeping on the same side of your body as your extraction.

Watch What You Eat

Smoothies, ice cream, yogurt, and pudding are good choices for the first few days because they are soft and slightly chilled. After the first few days, you can gradually transition from liquids to semi-solids, such as warm soup, and then to solids. 

Tooth Extraction Recovery Tips: Don’ts

Assuming that you have followed Dr. Kim’s recommendations, there are a few things that you should not do.


It’s critical not to disturb the blood clot that has formed in the socket, or you could develop a condition known as dry socket, which is painful. During the first 24 hours, refrain from rinsing your mouth excessively, sucking on a straw, or sipping on fizzy beverages.


Smoking, in general, is horrible for your health. Patients who use tobacco products need to reframe for at least 48 hours post-tooth extraction. Otherwise, you could experience serious consequences. Alcohol should also be avoided. 

Blowing Your Nose

It can be difficult to refrain from blowing your nose post tooth extraction. During the first 14 days, you should only softly wipe your nose rather than blowing it. You could cause some problems with your surgical extraction area.

Eating Hard Foods

Foods that are difficult to chew should be avoided after an extraction because they might cause damage to delicate tissues. Cereals, nuts, and popcorn are examples of foods that are tough to chew after an extraction. Wait a week or so before re-introducing them to your meal plan.

Following these simple tooth extraction recovery tips should help you return back to normal. If you’re experiencing any trouble post-tooth extraction, give our dental office in Lexington, KY, a call. 

Signs You Need a Tooth Extraction

tooth extraction Lexington kentucky

Signs You Need a Tooth Extraction

Signs You Need a Tooth Extraction

Are you experiencing dental problems or discomfort? Thinking that you may be in need of tooth extraction? Although a tooth extraction can seem scary, it may be the best option for your smile. When other dental treatments are ruled out, dental extraction is typically the best bet. Extraction is only done in rare situations, but it is a necessary procedure from time to time. So, how do you know if it’s time for a tooth extraction? Below, Dr. Kim, a dentist in Lexington, KY, shares five signs you need a tooth extraction.

Misplaced Teeth

One of the top indicators that you will need dental extraction is missing teeth. Teeth begin to shift, which causes overcrowding or impaction. The effect happens when your tooth is misplaced and has changed slightly, or has evolved in the wrong direction, and is now in a position it shouldn’t be. The location of the tooth may not be as it should be and maybe useless to you in its current position.

Overcrowding, on the other hand, is when your teeth are crowded in one place. There are so many teeth coming together during crowding, and there is not enough space for all of them to fit together correctly.

Although these two conditions can differ slightly, both problems can be solved with a simple tooth extraction. It’s best that you visit your dentist in Lexington, KY, for a tooth extraction consultation. 

Extensive Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is usually a result of poor oral hygiene, poor diet, and plaque build-up. Tooth decay is a major concern, and if left unchecked, it can progress into serious dental problems. For instance, you may experience damaged or cracked teeth and tooth loss. 

Fortunately, tooth decay is preventable. If you can detect tooth decay early, you may be able to reverse it. However, if you have severe tooth decay, your tooth may not be worth saving. Therefore, a tooth extraction might be the only option. Be sure to consult with a Lexington, KY dentist to find out what the best course of action is for you.

Tooth Infection

When tooth decay progresses due to lack of treatment, it is likely that an infection will form. Once a tooth infection has reached the pulp of the tooth, it can cause significant damage to the teeth and gums. Unfortunately, the infection will not go away on its own and can even spread throughout the body. Infections are dangerous and must not be overlooked. 

It is necessary to speak to an emergency dentist in Lexington, KY, as soon as the tooth decay or infection starts. Although the infection can lead to an extraction, the risk of infection can often involve an extraction as well as a preventive measure. 

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is another common cause of why a tooth will need to be removed. The disease is an infection that may affect the gums, teeth, and other underlying tissues and structures. Serious periodontal disease can lead to damage to the alveolar bone and periodontal ligaments. It may also contribute to an increase in the rate of tooth decay.

Periodontal disease is reversible if caught in its early stages. So, there may not be a need for tooth extraction. Your dentist may recommend root scaling, dental sealants, cavities, dental crowns, and other treatments to stop your periodontal disease from progressing. Dr. Ben Kacos, an emergency dentist in Shreveport, LA, agrees that a tooth extraction can help prevent further harm from happening and is, in many cases, the only solution available.

Tooth Pain or Tooth Loss

Apart from damage associated with tooth decay, gum disease, and positioning problems, there are other causes of tooth pain or tooth loss. Any harm that has occurred as a result of a car accident or other serious injury will also need a special remedy. Although solutions can differ greatly, serious damage may often lead to the need for a tooth to be fully removed. If you have very serious tooth pain or trauma, you may need a tooth extraction and dental implant.

Visit Your Emergency Dentist in Lexington, KY

Now that you have a brief understanding of the signs of a tooth extraction, you can decide if you need to see a professional about your dental problems. You can always visit our dental office in Lexington, KY, for a consultation. We will see you for a full-mouth evaluation and recommend the best treatment for your needs. In need of quality dental care? Please contact Park Hills Family Dentistry today.