Guide to Dental Bonding

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Guide to Dental Bonding 

Guide to Dental Bonding

A smile is generally the first thing people notice about you. Those with chipped or stained teeth usually don’t feel as confident to show off their smile. Dental bonding is one of our favorite ways to improve the appearance of teeth. Our dentists in Lexington, KY, understand how essential a flawless smile is for your self-esteem. That is why we provide a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures. In this article, Dr. Kim shares her guide to dental bonding. 

What Is Dental Bonding?

To determine whether dental bonding is the best dental procedure for you, you must understand what it is. Dental bonding is a straightforward and low-cost cosmetic dental surgery in which the dentist applies a piece of tooth-colored resin to the injured tooth. An ultraviolet (UV) light is subsequently used to attach the resin to the tooth. Dental bonding procedures are popular among people who have chipped or fractured teeth, discoloration, or gaps between their teeth since they are straightforward and quick to do.

Because it is a short and straightforward procedure, there is no downtime required. You may resume your typical activities the same day. The time required to complete the operation varies based on the number of concerns that must be addressed. Following that, the bonded tooth doesn’t require extra maintenance. Just follow your recommended brushing and flossing regimen. 

Pros and Cons of Dental Bonding

Even if you’ve chosen dental bonding over lumineers or crowns, it’s critical to understand the procedure’s benefits and drawbacks, so you have all the information you need.

Pros of Dental Bonding

The most significant advantage of dental bonding is its low cost. It is one of the most affordable and straightforward dental procedures accessible. It can be completed in a single visit and does not necessitate specific fitting. This implies you won’t need to wear a temporary crown because no custom-made product is being developed particularly for you. Any shaping or molding that is required is completed at the time the teeth are bonded.

It is also a process that removes the least amount of enamel from your teeth, compared to veneers or crowns. The enamel is a strong outer covering on your teeth that protects teeth from further disease.

Furthermore, unless a cavity is being filled, dental bonding is usually quick and painless. Using a compositing resin as a replacement for amalgam fillings has its own set of benefits. It is far more durable than dental amalgam, blends in with the rest of your teeth, and does not necessitate the removal of any healthy tooth surface.

Cons of Dental Bonding

While composite resin is stain-resistant, it is not as stain-resistant as veneers or crowns. Another disadvantage is that the material for dental bonding won’t last forever. Dental bonding is generally used to fix minor imperfections such as chipped or gapped teeth. A dentist is unlikely to use dental bonding for anything other than minor cosmetic alterations, says our friend Dr. Ryan Helgerson, a dentist in Grand Junction. Furthermore, because the bonding material is essentially plastic, the tooth is significantly more easily chipped or broken off. If you’re looking for a more permanent solution, lumineers are a great option.

Types of Dental Bonding

Dental bonding methods are classified into two types: adhesive bonding and direct composite bonding.

  • Adhesive bonding: This treatment includes attaching a restoration to a damaged tooth using an etchant — a sort of acid or caustic chemical — as well as an adhesive and a curing lamp. Adhesive bonding is ideally suited for metal-free fillings, porcelain veneers, and crowns.
  • Composite bonding: This is the most common type of dental bonding. The dentist develops a composite resin that matches the color of your teeth, molds it to fit your teeth, and then bonds it to your teeth with a bonding agent. The resin is then cured using a UV laser, and the bonded tooth can be sculpted further once it has hardened.

Contact Dentist in Lexington, KY

After reading our guide to dental bonding, you’ll know that there are many pros and cons of dental bonding. If you’re looking for an affordable option for fixing a chipped or stained tooth, dental bonding may be the option for you. Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry to see which treatment is right for your smile.

How Dental Implants Improve Your Smile

how dental implants improve your smile - Lexington-ky

How Dental Implants Improve Your Smile  

How Dental Implants Improve Your Smile 

Dental implants can have a positive impact on your smile. This restorative dentistry treatment replaces any missing teeth and can help with other treatments like bridges or dentures. To see if this dental treatment is for you, Dr. Kim, a dentist in Lexington, KY, shares how dental implants improve your smile. 

Prevent The Loss of Other Teeth

A dental implant is made up of a titanium screw, which is surgically implanted into your jawbone beneath your gum line. The screw forms a natural attachment with your jawbone and is attached to a custom-made prosthetic tooth known as a crown. Patients love that his treatment is a permanent tooth replacement option. 

You may be wondering why your dentist may recommend dental implants. Dr. Kim explains that your jawbone can begin to weaken when a tooth is extracted and not replaced. Other teeth may be lost as a result of this. Wearing dentures and bridges can also put a strain on your other teeth. In some cases, your natural teeth must be ground down to allow for the insertion of bridges, which can lead to tooth loss. When you have dental implants, none of this is needed. In fact, dental implants stimulate bone growth, which improves both your jawbone and your existing teeth.

Prevent Gum Disease

Dentures and bridges can obstruct excellent oral health by making it more difficult to eliminate food and bacteria through brushing and flossing. Gum illnesses such as gingivitis and periodontitis can cause gum swelling, bleeding, infection, tooth loss, and inflammation. This is all a result of poor dental hygiene.

Bacteria and inflammation can spread throughout your body as a result of severe periodontitis. It’s important that you visit your dentist in Lexington, KY, for deep dental cleanings. This dental problem may increase your chances of developing heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, pregnancy issues, infertility, Alzheimer’s disease, and lung infections.

Brushing and flossing with dental implants can be easier than with dentures and bridges. Because implanted teeth feel like real teeth, you can brush and floss completely. As a result, getting dental implants are lowering your chances of developing gum disease and the accompanying health hazards.

Improve Daily Tasks

If you or someone you know has dentures or bridges, you’re definitely aware of the lengthy list of things to avoid, which includes nuts, nut butter, seeds, whole grains like popcorn, certain raw vegetables like carrots and corn on the cob, and some fruits like raspberries, apples, and pears.

Some of the foods on this list are extremely nutritious. Fruits and vegetables, for example, are high in nutrients associated with heart health. Furthermore, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains are high in fiber, which has been associated with a lower risk of a number of health issues, including heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and several types of cancer.

When you have dental implants, you don’t have to limit your intake of healthy foods, explains Dr. Moghadam, a dentist in Easton, PA. You may also indulge in a treat from time to time. Anyone up for some peanut brittle?

Improve Your Quality of Life

Missing teeth, ill-fitting dentures, or bridgework that causes pain or self-consciousness can undermine your self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Feelings like this can have a substantial influence on your quality of life and, in turn, your health over time.

When you’re confident in yourself, anything seems achievable. You are more likely to engage in health-promoting habits such as eating healthier foods, exercising, avoiding tobacco products.

Contact a Dentist in Lexington, KY

Now that you know how dental implants can improve your smile, you can decide if they’re worth getting. Ultimately, dental implants can enhance your oral health and overall well-being if you have missing teeth, dentures, or bridges. At Park Hills Family Dentistry, we can assist you in determining whether dental implants are the best option for you. Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry to schedule your dental implant consultation with Dr. Kim and Dr. Oberst.

Deep Dental Cleanings: Should I Get One?

deep cleaning Lexington, KY

Deep Dental Cleanings: Should I Get One?  

Deep Dental Cleanings: Should I Get One? 

A deep dental cleaning, also known as gum therapy, is a treatment that cleans between the gums and teeth all the way down to the roots. The hygienist or dentist will clean the tooth, gum line, and sides of the teeth, just like a routine cleaning. Additionally, tartar below the gum line to the root of the tooth is removed.

What is a Deep Cleaning?

It is more thorough than a conventional cleaning and is intended to cure and prevent gum disease from worsening. In this article, our dentist in Lexington, KY, discusses deep dental cleanings and if you should get one. 

Hygiene and Periodontal Health

Because your mouth is full of bacteria and plaque, it’s recommended that you brush twice a day and floss daily. Routine checkups and cleanings aid in the removal of plaque that accumulates on your teeth on a daily basis. The majority of the plaque is found along the gum line, which most of us overlook when brushing. Plaque hardens to tartar, which your dental hygienist will remove during routine cleanings.

If you don’t brush your teeth on a regular basis, or if you are at risk for gum disease, your gums may develop gingivitis. Symptom so of gingivitis includes red, swollen gums that bleed easily when touched. If left untreated, this can progress to periodontal disease, a more severe stage of gingivitis. Dr. Kim urges you to treat your gingivitis before it develops into tooth loss.

Gum Disease

Suspect you have gum disease? Visit our dental office in Lexington, KY, for an evaluation. To determine if there is an infection, we will take dental x-rays and assess the depth of the pockets. This is standard practice. You’ve probably heard your hygienist readout numbers while evaluating each tooth. 

Deep Cleaning vs. Regular Teeth Cleaning

Comparing routine teeth cleaning to a deep teeth cleaning is akin to comparing apples and oranges, says our friend Dr. O’Grady, a dentist in Denver, CO. He explains that the two treatments accomplish very different tasks. A regular cleaning’s purpose is preventative maintenance, whereas a deep teeth cleaning’s purpose is to halt periodontal disease.

Do I Need a Deep Cleaning?

Only your dentist or dental hygienist can be certain. If your dentist finds considerable pockets—those four mms or larger—you are at risk for (or in the early stages of) periodontal disease. This qualifies you for a deep cleaning. A dental deep cleaning visit will stop the periodontal disease from getting worse. Without treatment, the bacteria that caused your gum pockets will continue to cause plaque, tartar, and bone loss.

You are not alone if you have been informed that you need a deep cleaning at the dentist. Gum disease is one of the most common dental problems today. Luckily, gum disease or periodontal disease is preventable. As mentioned above, it’s crucial that you follow a good oral hygiene regimen and visit your dentist every six months. 

Contact Dentist in Lexington, KY

Need a deep cleaning? Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry! Our team of professionals will take good care of you and your little ones. Our dental office is located in Lexington, KY. We offer a wide range of dental services. Dr. Kim and Dr. Oberst look forward to meeting you soon!

Overcoming Dental Anxiety

overcoming dental anxiety - dentist in Lexington, KY

Overcoming Dental Anxiety 

Overcoming Dental Anxiety 

Many patients dread going to the dentist for a teeth cleaning or dental service. If going to the dentist makes you nervous, you are not alone. Many people have dental anxiety or fear the dentist. Some people even miss their dental appointments because of this feeling. This directly affects their oral health. If you’ve been skipping your dental appointments because of this, read the article below where Dr. Jin shares tips for overcoming dental anxiety

Ways to Deal With Dental Anxiety 

Acknowledge Your Dentophobia

Unfortunately, dental anxiety won’t go away on its own. The first step to fixing the problem is addressing it head-on. Identifying and implementing tactics to help you handle it can be more difficult. If you’re afraid of the dentist, consider why. Is it the needles, drills, or other instruments, the cramped quarters, or the possibility of pain? Did you have a bad experience? If you can identify the source of the problem, you can find a way to fix it. 

Choose The Right Dentist

Many dentists, like Dr. Jin or Dr. Olbert, make patient safety and comfort their top priority. Most dental offices work hard to build welcoming and relaxing environments. Inform your dentist in Lexington, KY, about any dental anxiety you might be experiencing. They will help make sure you are comfortable during your entire visit. Our friend Dr. Boals, a dentist in Colorado Springs, highly recommends looking at online reviews to see if you, in fact, are going to the best dentist in town.

Ask Questions

Uncertainty can cause anxiety. Rather than wondering what’s happening during your dental services, ask questions, so you know what to expect. Inquire with your dentist in Lexington, KY, about what will happen, how it will feel, and what to expect after the operation. Trust us when we say you’ll feel much better if you ask your dentist to explain every step during your visit.

Keep Busy

Keeping the mind busy with other items allows anxiety to take over for a shorter period of time. Bring a friend to keep you company. Listen to podcasts or music while you sit in the chair. Wear earplugs if the whine of dental drills bothers you. Is there a problem with pain? Consult your dentist on using an adequate numbing agent. If you are uncomfortable, do not be afraid to speak up. Our Park Hills Family Dentistry team is here to make you feel right at home. 

Sleep Dentistry 

One of our solutions to overcoming dental anxiety is providing patients with sleep dentistry options. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, has been used to relieve patient anxiety and pain. Those who inhale the gas stay conscious and aware. Simply put, they are more comfortable and less susceptible to pain. Nitrous oxide dentistry is a simple and inexpensive way to calm nerves and increase relaxation during dental visits. 

Ask How We Can Help Dental Anxiety

Park Hills Family Dentistry provides the best dental services in Lexington, KY. From the moment you walk in the door to the moment you leave, we are here to serve you and your family. If you need help overcoming dental anxiety, contact our dental office today. We can’t wait to see you!

What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning

what to expect during a dental cleaning - lexington dentist

What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning 

What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning

Regardless of how meticulous your oral hygiene regimen is, every one needs a professional dental cleaning. These regular dental visits to your dentist in Lexington, KY, will help you avoid dental problems such as gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer. You may be wondering what to expect during a dental cleaning at Park Hills Family Dentistry. Dr. Kim shares more in the blog below.

When Should I Get a Dental Cleaning?

Many patients underestimate the power of professional dental cleanings. Over time, tartar and plaque buildup causes teeth to stain and cavities to develop. When you see us for a professional teeth cleaning, our hygienists will remove the tartar. This can only be done by a professional, which is why many Lexington dentists recommend two dental cleanings per year. Here’s a closer look at what to expect during a dental cleaning with our team.

What Do You Do Before a Dental Cleaning?

A dental cleaning is a simple procedure that requires little preparation. Make sure you’re practicing good oral hygiene on a daily basis. Then, before your visit with Dr. Kim, brush your teeth. Your hygienist can clean more thoroughly, but a simple brush helps remove debris and frees up your time for more thorough cleaning. If you have dental anxiety, this is a good way to reduce the amount of time spent in the chair. Do you have any questions or concerns? Write them down so that you can ask them at your appointment.

Your Dental Cleaning

After checking in at the front desk with one of our team members, your hygienist will walk you to one of the rooms. The hygienist will give you an apron or bib to wear to protect your clothes from stains. One of the first things they do is look at your gum lines. You will be asked a few questions about any problems or sensitive areas. Next, your hygienist will start your cleaning. At this time, x-rays will be taken if necessary. You won’t have to leave the room if your dentist has a handheld x-ray device from Digital Doc. 

For the first part of your cleaning, your hygienist will gently scrape tartar and plaque off your teeth. If you have a lot built-up, then this part will take longer than the polishing. Then, each tooth will be polished, followed by flossing. This can also eliminate surface stains, allowing your smile to shine brighter. If you are ever dissatisfied with the color of your teeth, you should inquire about teeth whitening.

The Assessment

Once your cleaning portion is complete, Dr. Kim will come in for a full-mouth evaluation. Dentists used to only use a metal probe and an angled mirror, but now we use a variety of tools. The target is the same: to detect any signs of tooth decay. Your dentist will examine your gums for problems such as deep pockets, redness, and inflammation. 

Your dental professional will also examine your upper and lower jaw for signs of temporomandibular joint disorder. She will examine the soft tissues in your mouth, palate, lymph glands, and neck for signs of oral cancer. During this time, Dr. Kim will address any concerns she may have. This is also the time for patients to address any questions or concerns they have. 

Dental Anxiety

Dental cleanings are quick and easy! They’re an important part of maintaining a happy and healthy smile. Understanding what teeth cleaning entails may alleviate any concern you may have about scheduling your next appointment. However, if you are still nervous, ask about our sedation dentistry options. Sedation dentistry is also known as sleep dentistry, but it does not put you to sleep. Instead, you are awake and aware of all that is going on around you. You can hear and respond to questions and instructions as well. However, it makes you feel less anxious and worried about the treatment.

Sedation dentistry may also help with other issues that can make a dental visit uncomfortable. It can make sitting in the dental chair more relaxed. Please contact Park Hills Family Dentistry if you’re in need of a dental cleaning or other dental services in Lexington, KY

Types of Dental Restorations

types of dental restorations - Lexington dentist

Types of Dental Restorations 

Types of Dental Restorations 

Dental restorations have become increasingly popular. The most simple concept of a restoration is the return of something in its lost state. Dental work is no exception. In some cases, your dentist in Lexington, KY, may recommend that you restore your tooth’s original function. In this article, Dr. Jinyoung Kim discusses the types of dental restorations that you may get at our dental office.

Most Popular Dental Restorations 

There are several different types of dental restorations, ranging from material to price. Filling a cavity caused by tooth decay, for example, is a quick dental restoration technique. Placing dental implants in areas where teeth are missing can be a more complicated and pricy restoration. The good news is that as technology advances, dental restorations have stronger, more practical outcomes that will change your life for the long term. Here, we discuss the types of dental restorations patients in Lexington, KY, can choose from.

Dental Implants

If there ever comes a time where you are without a tooth, Dr. Kim will likely recommend dental implants. Implants are false teeth that work and look just like natural teeth. They are anchored down into the jaw bone and topped off with a dental crown. They are an excellent alternative to dentures and are a permanent solution to missing teeth. However, dental implants aren’t for everyone. You must have a good bone structure to support the dental implant. Ask Dr. Kim if you’re a good candidate for dental implants. 

Inlays & Onlays

Inlays are a great alternative to silver and composite fillings. A custom-made filling made of composite material, gold, or tooth-colored porcelain is known as an inlay repair. Broken or fractured teeth, decayed teeth, or fractured fillings are all reasons you may need an inlay repair. Onlay dental restorations are suitable for teeth that have wide, deep cavities. An onlay can also be referred to as a partial crown. They are made up of custom-made fillings and are designed to restore teeth in a more conservative manner.

White Fillings

Composite fillings are similar to traditional fillings in that they are engineered to withstand stress and resistance and to last. In reality, many composite fillings have a lifespan of more than ten years. Composite fillings are often tooth-colored, making them the more aesthetically pleasing choice.

Dental Crowns

Crowns are used to cover a tooth or a dental implant. They are typically used when a tooth has extensive decay and cannot be restored with a traditional dental filling. Crowns are usually cemented to the tooth and are designed to look just like natural teeth. Our friend, Dr. Josh Eastham, a dentist in Grand Junction, CO, says that dental crowns are on the more popular side of dental restorations to choose from. They’re affordable and effective.


Dentures may be used as an alternative to dental implants. Furthermore, dentures may be removed from the mouth, unlike dental implants. Dentures today are made to look and feel as natural as possible. They’re much more affordable than dental implants but do have to be replaced eventually.

Dental Bridges

Fixed bridges are usually made up of two or more dental crowns that are used to fill the gap between two or more teeth. Bridges may be reinforced by either natural or artificial teeth, such as implants. This type of dental restoration is minimal but cost-effective. 

Root Canal Therapy

Root canals are typically done on infected teeth. They’re known as the last-chance option, where the dentist removes the infected pulp in hopes of saving your natural tooth from further damage. If the tooth is too far damaged, then tooth extraction will be needed.  

Find a Lexington Dentist 

As you can see, there are many restorative dentistry options. Park Hills Family Dentistry has been helping restore the smiles of residence of Lexington, KY, for years. Contact us today to find out which dental restoration is best for your smile. We look forward to hearing from you!

Must-Knows About Lumineers

everything about lumineers Lexington KY

Everything About Lumineers 

Must-Knows About Lumineers

Lumineers are similar to porcelain veneers in the sense that they fix imperfections. Many patients choose lumineers to hide their chipped, misaligned, discolored, or gapped teeth. This type of cosmetic dentistry is non-invasive, and it’s also reversible. In this article, Dr. Kim shares must-knows about lumineers, from what they are, their advantages to the right candidate.

About Lumineers in Lexington, KY

Lumineers are an excellent option for someone who is self-conscious about their smile. These ultra-thin porcelain caps fit perfectly over your teeth, giving them an aesthetically pleasing, clean, and beautiful appearance. These thin, shell-like covers are put over your teeth to conceal cosmetic flaws such as stains, chips, or holes. To build the illusion of a flawless smile, each one is individually bonded to the front of the teeth. Lumineers can help with a number of dental issues, including:

  • Large gaps between your teeth
  • Misaligned Teeth
  • Crooked Teeth
  • Stained Teeth
  • Gums and teeth that are uneven
  • Bridges and crowns that seem unnatural

Lumineer Consultation

When you visit Dr. Kimthe best dentist in Lexington, KY, and her team will access your smile to see if you are ready for lumineers. In order for patients to get lumineers, the underlying teeth, bone, and gums must be in excellent condition. Ask Dr. Kim if you’re a good candidate. If not, we have other solutions that can enhance your smile.  

Bite impressions and X-rays are taken during the initial visit to assess how the teeth are aligned. Your teeth will also be carefully inspected to ensure that there are no signs of tooth decay or gum disease. Dr. Kim will decide on the color of the lumineers as well as the desired degree of transparency. Our friend, Dr. Beth Herko, one of the best cosmetic dentists in New Providence, points out that patients can choose which shade they want. Lumineers have the potential to drastically change your smile!

A Look at New and Improved Smiles

You can now see what your new smile would look like before you get them at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry! Our advanced dental technology allows you to see what your lumineers will look like. It’s easy, free, and only needs a photo of your smile. After our team takes your picture, we will get your lumineers ready for placement!

Lumineer Placement

When it’s time for your lumineers placement, our team will start by bonding the lumineers to your natural teeth. Dr. Kim will polish your lumineers after they are bonded so that they look and feel natural. The final separation is the last step in the placement process. We will make sure that your bite is perfect. When the procedure is completed, you will have a new, bright smile of your dreams.

Benefits of Lumineers

Lumineers have several benefits over conventional veneer treatments. The most significant benefit for patients who have a fear of the dentist is that this treatment is non-invasive. You won’t feel a thing!

Lumineers have the following distinct advantages:

  • They have a lifespan of more than 20 years.
  • No need for harsh drilling.
  • There is no need for needles.
  • There was no pain or discomfort during care.
  • Completed in two dental visits.
  • Potential for a whole new smile.
  • Stain and discoloration resistant.
  • Materials with the thickness of a contact lens.
  • The treatment is completely reversible.

Now that you’ve read the must-knows about lumineers, you can decide if they’re for you. If lumineers are something that you’re interested in, contact Park Hills Dentistry for a consultation! Our team will discuss what your new smile could look like. We’re happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. 

What Do Bleeding Gums Mean?

what do bleeding gums mean - Lexington KY

What Do Bleeding Gums Mean? 

What Do Bleeding Gums Mean?

Ever noticed a bit of blood after brushing your teeth? What about after flossing? Gums may bleed for a few reasons, so what do bleeding gums mean? Generally, this is a sign of a few dental problems, such as gum disease. Apart from severe gum disease, there are ten other explanations why gums bleed, as well as how to avoid bleeding gums before they become a bigger problem. So, what do bleeding gums mean? In the article below, Dr. Jinyoung Kim shares exactly why your gums are bleeding.


As we mentioned above, bleeding gums usually indicates the start of gum disease. The first stage of gum disease is gingivitis. Tender and swollen gums, as well as bleeding gums during brushing and flossing, are typical symptoms. When plaque along the gum line isn’t properly removed, gingivitis develops. This sticky plaque attracts a wide variety of bacteria, which invade the gums and cause bleeding and sensitivity. Gingivitis may be prevented and reversed at this point before it progresses to more severe gum disease. To treat gingivitis, patients need to thoroughly brush and floss their teeth daily and see their dentist in Lexington, KY


Blood-thinning medicine is another potential source of bleeding gums. Blood thinners minimize the tendency of the blood to clot, making it easier to bleed, even at the gumline. Tell your dentist about any new drugs every time you see her. This aids the dentist in determining what is causing the bleeding gums and other oral issues. To help minimize or avoid gum bleeding caused by medication, your dentist can prescribe a different oral care routine.

Over Flossing

If your gums bleed after flossing for the first time, it’s possible that the flossing is to blame. You could experience slight gum bleeding if you skipped a few days of flossing or increased your flossing frequency per week. After a couple of flossing sessions, your gum bleeding will likely stop on its own, says our friend Dr. O’Grady, a dentist in Denver, CO. We recommend visiting your dentist if your gums bleed excessively or every time you floss.

New Toothbrush

Gum bleeding may also be caused by a fresh toothbrush. When you turn from soft to hard bristles, your gums can bleed. This is your body’s way of telling you to slow down. Most dentists advise using a soft-bristled toothbrush since it is gentler on the gums. If your bristles are hard, consider switching. Dr. Kim says that the bleeding should subside after a few brushes with your new soft-bristled toothbrush. 

Pregnancy Gingivitis

Yeah, there is such a thing. Increased hormones cause increased blood flow to your gums during pregnancy, making them more vulnerable to plaque and bacteria. As a result, brushing also results in tender gums and gum bleeding. You may be surprised to learn that pregnancy increases the chances of gingivitis. Patients can expect gingivitis to subside after giving birth.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Even a slight change in your oral hygiene can cause your gums to bleed. Stay adamant about brushing at least twice a day, morning and night, for two minutes. If you can, brush after each meal. Don’t forget to floss! Like we’ve mentioned before, you can stop gingivitis from getting worse and prevent it with good habits. Some of the following lifestyle habits directly affect your oral health. 

Poor Nutrition

Good nutrition is a great way to live a long and healthy life. Some packaged food additives irritate gums and cause slight gum bleeding. Instead, use better options. Include fruits and vegetables into your diet, as well as calcium, vitamins C and D, and magnesium. Make sure you’re getting your reaching your daily nutrients.


Living in a constant state of anxiety weakens the immune system, making it more difficult to avoid a variety of problems, such as gum disease. Inflammation of the blood vessels is also a product of stress. This causes soft tissues in your mouth to break down, delaying the healing of bleeding gums even further. Whenever possible, try to reduce the stress levels. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress.


One of the worst things you can do to your teeth is smoke. In recent years, smoking and vaping have become more popular. This habit has a direct effect on your oral health and can create issues like tooth sensitivity, gum disease, and tooth loss. Quit the use of tobacco before it’s too late.

When dental problems arise, it’s important to see a professional. If you’re experiencing gum disease, contact Park Hills Family Dentistry. Our Park Hills Family Dentistry team is more than happy to get your oral health back on track with our professional dental cleanings. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Affordable Smile Makeover Options

affordable smile makeover options Lexington KY

Affordable Smile Makeover Options 

Affordable Smile Makeover Options

A beautiful smile gives you the confidence to conquer your day. Unfortunately, not all of us are born with a perfect smile. Our dental office offers several cosmetic dentistry treatments. You no longer have to feel embarrassed to show your smile thanks to the following affordable smile makeover options. If you’re looking for a dentist in the Lexington, KY area, contact Park Hills Family Dentistry for a consultation today!

Professional Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most cost-effective and low-commitment ways to improve your smile. When you get professional teeth whitening, you preserve your tooth enamel and ensure that your smile stays bright and beautiful. This cosmetic dental treatment can make a big difference in the overall look of your smile. If you’re thinking about getting your teeth whitened, weigh the advantages of professional teeth whitening vs. take-home teeth whitening treatments. Poorly applied teeth whitening treatments can damage your enamel, making your teeth sensitive. Ask Dr. Jinyoung Kim which teeth whitening treatment is best for your smile.


Lumineers are a type of dental veneer, that fit over your teeth, giving you a more uniform, whiter smile. Traditional veneers require that each tooth be prepped to receive the veneer. This procedure is irreversible. Lumineers allow you to enhance your smile without affecting your tooth’s structure. At Park Hills Family Dentistry, we offer lumineers for patients looking to make a big change in the look and feel of their smiles.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is often the best choice when searching for a dentist in Lexington to fully restore missing teeth or teeth in extremely poor condition. This cosmetic dentistry procedure is more expensive than teeth whitening and lumineers, but it is a long-lasting treatment. Furthermore, our friend Dr. Cody Boals, a dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, says that dental implants are an excellent smile makeover option because they last from 10-20 years. So, how do dental implants work? During the dental implant placement, your dentist will place a metal rod into your jawbone as an anchor for your new replacement tooth. Don’t worry. It’s not as invasive as it seems. Dental implants are actually one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for some or all missing teeth.

Ask your dentist if any of these affordable smile makeover options are right for you. Contact Park Hills Family Dentistry to schedule a consultation! Our office also provides restorative dentistry and general dentistry for patients in Lexington, KY. We can’t wait to enhance your smile!

Clear Aligners Treatment

clear aligner treatment Lexington KY

Clear Aligners Treatment 

Clear Aligners Treatment

Clear aligners are one of the many technological advances that have vastly improved the dental industry as a whole. Patients everywhere are now straightening their smiles with clear aligners. In this article, Dr. Kim, a dentist in Lexington, KY, walks us through what you can expect with the clear aligner treatment

How Aligners Work

Like traditional braces, aligners are meant to shift the teeth to their desired place over time. Before treatment starts, Dr. Kim will access your smile using advanced dental technology. She will take digital impressions of your smile and show you what your desired smile will look like. With each aligner tray, you’ll be able to see how your smile improves. Once you’ve decided to start treatment, you will get custom aligners made. Every 2-3 weeks, you will be required to switch out your trays for a new set. Everyone’s smile is different, so that some treatments may take longer than others. Our friend Dr. Hoang, a dentist in Bethlehem, GA, agrees that clear aligner treatments are typically shorter than traditional braces. Below we share the pros and cons of clear aligners. 

Pros of Clear Aligners

  • No metal brackets or wires. Yes, no more embarrassing wires! Most people won’t notice you wearing your clear aligners whereas, it’s obvious if you have traditional braces.
  • Can correct most dental problems. Clear aligners can treat misaligned, overcrowded teeth, overbites, underbites, and more! 
  • Optimal oral health. Patients love the fact that clear aligners are removable. You can take them out whenever to brush, floss, and eat! Keep in mind that you will only be able to do so for a small amount of time. 
  • More efficient. Clear aligners are more efficient than traditional braces. 

Cons of Clear Aligners:

  • More expensive. Clear aligners are a little more expensive than traditional braces, but it’s well worth it!
  • More responsibility. If your teenager wants to undergo clear aligners, make sure they know they’re responsible for their aligner trays. It’s easy to lose them since they’ll be taking them out when they eat or drink.

Are Clear Aligners For Me?

Visit our dental office in Lexington, KY, to see if clear aligners are for you. Dr. Kim and her team will assess your smile and recommend the best treatment options for your unique smile. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!